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这是圣母大学生物科学系的网站。This is the Great Mother's house.

克里姆林宫的圣母领报大教堂。Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin.

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许多评论家都称赞圣母怜子图布朗。Many critics have praised Pieta Brown.

神圣母亲和梵天是一体。The Divine Mother and Brahman are one.

圣母和圣老楞佐都会保守我们。Our Lady and St. Lawrence will keep us steady.

圣母峰雪人的弃婴,化粪池堵塞的凶手。Everest Snowman foundling, blocked septic tanks.

一小队人在计画攀登圣母峰。A small party was planning to ascend Mt. Everest.

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Goran准备独自从瑞典出发到圣母峰。Goran is going alone from Sweden to Mount Everest.

圣母,是啊,先生,是二十三个法郎。Good gracious, yes, sir, it is twenty-three francs.

这是如何开始在新加坡圣母圣心会的存在。This is how the CICM presence in Singapore started.

圣母地塑造是全画地中间。Shaping Our Lady of the center of the whole painting.

伽利去年就试过要征服圣母峰,不过没有成功。Tsheri tried to conquer Everest last year but failed.

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为耶稣基督的诞生而喜悦,圣母玛丽之子。Joy, joy, for Christ is born, The Babe, the Son of Mary.

两仪殿内供奉有圣父、圣母像。Queen honors are inside the Holy Father like Notre Dame.

单单是有着天使容颜的圣母玛利亚就花了两周时间才完成。The angelic-looking Madonna alone took two weeks to make.

快、快,让我们赞美祂,圣母玛丽之子。Haste, haste to bring him laud, The babe, the son of Mary.

这个挑战比攀登圣母峰更加困难。That's going to be a harder challenge than climbing Everest.

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钟声是圣母-贵妇人最古老的,被重写,在1631年。The bell is Notre-Dame's oldest, having been recast in 1631.

在此之前它们被称为圣母的双乳,或者就是双乳峰。Before that, they were the Mother's Teats, or just the Teats.

神父来到教堂,先在耶酥和圣母玛利亚的神像前跪下,然后去教堂后部就座。In the church, he kneels before an icon of Christ and the Virg