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他们一准是双胞胎。They must be twins.

她一准来。She is sure to come.

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你一准喜欢这儿,对不对,哈克?You like it here, don't you, Huck?

他一准是早就知道了接下来就要丢脸了。He must have known what was coming.

你一准儿能成事儿。Well, you're goin a go where you look.

我答应过6点钟一准回家的。I promised faithfully to be home at six.

您体格好啊,一看就知道一准儿活到死。Your physique good, understood at a glance one lives dies.

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我打赌它一准儿吃了不少羊崽——看上去都能吞下一匹骆驼。I bet he'd took a few lambs. Looked like he could a eat a camel.

这一准则的提出为光顺的量控提供了依据。This rule will provide the basis for the quantification of fairness.

你只管去竹院儿,那丫头一准儿在!You the tube go to son in the bamboo hospital, namely wench one quasi- son by!

轮回经济、洁净消费都是理论这一准绳地活泼例证。Circular economy, clean production practices are a vivid example of this principle.

“噢,一准是我的花被博福特的压住了,”阿切尔烦躁地说。"Oh, well, no wonder mine were overshadowed by Beaufort's, " said Archer irritably.

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结论EUS-FNA在纵隔淋巴结肿大原因的诊断中是一准确、实用的检查方法。EUS-FNA is safe, reliable and accurate in diagnosis of mediastinal enlarged lymph node.

这一准则保护新闻媒体的监督作用,有助于向政府问责。This formula preserves the watchdog role of the press and facilitates government accountability.

本文提出了一种新的基体效应校正方法一准绝对测量方法。This thesis put forward a new method of correcting matrixeffect quasi-absolute surveying method.

她有冰淇淋,几乎每天吃——多得不得了,我们去,她一准喜欢得要命。She'll have ice-cream! She has it most every day—dead loads of it. And she'll be awful glad to have us.

社会结构的变化深刻影响着义务教育这一准公共物品的供给。Also, the changes in social structure profoundly impact of the compulsory education as quasi-public goods.

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由买方接受并签署无误的所有权保留条款,则是这一准则的独一例外。Retention of title clauses accepted and expressly signed by the buyer are the sole departures from this principle.

哦,汤姆,你看到蓝光飘忽的地方,那后面一准跟着一个鬼。Well, where you see one of them blue lights flickering around, Tom, you can bet there's a ghost mighty close behind it.

国际间的、政府间的以及与IEC有关的非政府间组织也可以参与这一准备工作。International, governmental and non-government organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation.