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南邻长江、南接沪宁高速公路。South neighbour Yangtze River, south meets the Shanghai and Nanjinghighway.

甚至蒙古世界性的自由主义者也公然蔑视他们的南邻。Even cosmopolitan liberals are unabashedly disdainful of their southern neighbours.

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东濒上海,南邻苏州,西接无锡,水路交通顺畅快捷,地理位置得天独厚。East near Shanghai, Suzhou to the south west of Wuxi, sea traffic fast, unique geographical location.

座落在黄海之滨,龙冈镇洪渡工业园区,东邻宁靖盐高速公路、南邻盐淮徐高速公路。Located in the Yellow Sea, Longgang Town, Hong Du Industrial Park, east Ningjingyan Highway, south of highway salt, Yanhuaixu.

项目地块选址北邻普陀沟、南邻人寿金融城、西邻内环线。The location of the project site is bordered by Putuogou, Renshou City and the inner ring to the north, the south and the west.

现在,一些企业的出口货物要走1,000公里陆路从泰国南邻马来西亚运往海外。Some businesses are now sending goods for export roughly 1,000 kilometers overland through Thailand's southern neighbor, Malaysia.

中国是蒙古的重要投资者,但美国,香港以及加拿大都在努力与蒙古的南邻—中国竞争。China is a key investor to Mongolia, but the United States of America, Hong Kong and Canada are striving to compete with the southern neighbor.

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地中海北邻欧洲大陆,南邻非洲大陆,东邻亚洲大陆,被三座大陆所包围着。The Mediterranean Sea south of the mainland Europe, South Africa, east neighbour neighboring Asian continent, were three surrounded a continent.

万柏林区地处风景秀丽的汾河西畔,西依龙山山脉,南邻晋源区,北接尖草坪区。Wanbailin area is located in the scenic Fenhe Sipan, according to the Longshan Mountain West, Jinyuan District south, the north Jiancao Ping area.

瑞士是欧洲中西部的一个内陆国。东与奥地利、列支敦士登接壤,南邻意大利,西接法国,北连德国。Switzerland's central and western Europe is a landlocked country. East and Austria, Liechtenstein border, south Italy, on the west by France, north Germany.

地处温都水城景区西北侧,北依北京母亲河――温榆河,南邻定泗路,因紧邻温榆河而得名。Locating at northwest of Wendu Water City and with Wenyu River – Mother River in Beijing at north, it's neighboring Dingsi Road and got its name by Wenyu River.

它东靠新长铁路和204国道,南邻324国道,西毗盐靖高速公路,交通十分便捷。The transportation near it is very convenient, whose east is Xinchang Railway and No. 204 State Road, south is No. 324 State Road and west is Yanjing Expressway.

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交通便利,位于104国道东侧,南邻京沪铁路和京沪高速,属于环渤海经济区。The transportation is very convenient, as our company lies east of the National highway 104 and south of railway Beijing—Shanghai and expressing way Beijing—Shanghai.

塞外明珠承德,北依辽蒙,南邻京津,距北京225公里。Chende, also known as A Pearl OutsideShanghaiguan Port, is located in south to Liaoningand Inner Mongolia and north on Beijing and Tianjin. It is 225km awayfrom Beijing.

东近上海,西靠无锡,南邻素有天堂之称的苏州,北与南通隔江相望,交通十分便利。The east near Shanghai, Wuxi west, the south has long been known as a paradise known as Suzhou, Nantong across the River North and the transportation is very convenient.

公司位于“中国蔬菜大棚之乡”---寿光市,南邻济青高速,北依威乌高速,有着丰富的地理优势。Company is located in "hometown of Chinese vegetable greenhouses, " --- Shouguang City, south Jinan-Qingdao, north Weiwu high-speed, has a wealth of geographical advantages.

东濮拗陷位于河北平原地震带东南部,南邻河淮地震带,东与郯庐地震带相望。Dongpu depression is located at the southeast of Pingyuan, Hebei, seismic belt, which is adjacent to Hehuai seismic belt in south and opposite to Tanlu seismic belt in east.

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项目位于天津市滨海新区中新天津生态城项目起步区内,北临中新大道,东临中生大道,南邻和韵路。The project is located at the launch area of Zhongxin Eco-City project, Binhai New District, Tianjin City, with Zhongxin Avenue to the north and Zhongsheng Avenue to its east.

学院地处广州科学城内,西靠广州天河软件园,南邻广东奥林匹克体育中心和世界大观、航天奇观景区。The college lies in Academic City, Guangzhou Tianhe Software Center is to the west, and Guangdong Olympic Sports Center, World Grand Sight and Flight Spectacle are to the south.

保利集团惠州阳光城位于广东省惠州市,南邻淡水河及滨河绿化景观带,北临高尔夫球场,东临体育公园。Poly Sunshine City is located in Huizhou, Guangdong province with Danshui River and the riverside greenbelt to its south, a golf course to its north and a sports park to its east.