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年轻意味着永葆一颗青春之心。Youth means being young at heart.

怀疑作用巨大,它使信仰永葆活力。Suspected enormous effect, it makes the religion activity.

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他听说,在什么地方,有一种植物,可以让人永葆年轻。He then learns the whereabouts of a plant of eternal youth.

它始终是我们党永葆蓬勃生机的法宝。It is always the most effective method which the Party retains youth.

豪氏威马的工程理念是永葆改进空间。The Huisman view on engineering is that there is always room for improvement.

艺术家永葆赤子之心,有其生理、心理的原因。Artists keeping the heart of a newbom baby has physical and psychological reasons.

用这种家具上光剂,您的家具外观永葆如新。This kind of furniture polish can make your furniture keep an ever-new appearance.

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好像她们避免政治,就能永葆美丽似的。It's as if they might have maintained their beauty had they only refrained from it.

但据永葆乐观的凯尔特纳所言,即便是最狂热的权力追逐者也仍有希望。Yet there is, according to the ever upbeat Keltner, hope for even the most power-crazed.

如果佛教要在现代世界永葆活力,它必须让人将其视为鲜活传统的有机组分,而非古已有之、一成不变的舶来品。For if Buddhism is to live in the modern world, it must be treated as a living tradition, not a preformed import.

一股想永葆她青春之美的强烈欲望似乎压倒了她每分必争的热情。Her passion for winning a point seemed outmatched by an even stronger passion for maintaining her beauty as it was.

创新是马克思主义的本质特征,是其永葆生命力的不竭源泉。As an essential feature of Marxism, innovation is an unexhausted wellspring of always maintaining the Paty's vitality.

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这个传言能永葆活力的一个原因是,它已经被一些心理学和助推其他超自然力量的人们采纳来解释精神力量。One reason this myth has endured is that it has been adopted by psychics and other paranormal pushers to explain psychic powers.

想永葆安宁,时时顺心,事事遂心,就难免有些牵强附会,想入非非了。Would like to always maintain the peace, keep to one's liking, everything, it is inevitable that some far-fetched, had indulged.

萨马尼表示,无论目标多么诱人,科学家们距离开发出青春永葆之灵丹妙药依然路途遥远。The bottom line, Samani says, is that scientists remain a long way from developing an elixir of youth, however alluring that goal may be.

根据一条著名的物理法则,一个封闭的体系不可避免地会导致热寂,而一个开放的体系则会永葆活力。According to a famous law of physics, a closed system will inevitably result in heat death, while an open system will be forever vigorous.

“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个党永葆生机的源泉”。Innovation is the soul of a nation, the unexhausted power of the development of a nation and the headspring of the vital force of a party.

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从嫩笋冲破坚冰冻土,至翠竿穿云剪雾,都永葆虚心的人生秉性。It keeps modest as the natural disposition of life ever from its tender shoot bursting out hard icy soil till its green pole goes into cloud.

物化了的生命硬如岩石,而那些看似无价值的却永葆着神韵和空灵。Life, when petrified by material desires, is as callous as stone, while those seemingly worthless things always remain fresh and full of spirit.

为了防止侄女雷亚·西尔维亚生育后代从而继承王位,阿穆利乌斯强迫她去当女祭司,宣誓永葆贞洁。In order to prevent his niece, Rhea Silvia, from havIng offsprIng and so contInuIng Numitor's lIneage, Amulius forced her to become a vestal virgIn.