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马,狗,猫,牛及猪都是家畜。The cat' strayed from home.

必须除掉家畜身上的虱子。The livestocks must be deticked.

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他擅长畜养家畜。He is good at breeding livestock.

谷类、麦子及玉蜀黍等都是家畜的饲料。Corn , wheat and sorghum are feed grain.

家畜吃早春的苜蓿而上膘。Herds are fattening on the early clover.

家畜吃早春的苜蓿而长肥。Herds are fattening on the early clover.

马,狗,猫,牛及猪都是家畜。There were cows, pigs and other livestock.

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在家畜中控制尼帕病毒Controlling Nipah virus in domestic animals

苜蓿是家畜的一种重要饲草作物。Alfalfa is an important forage for livestock.

禁止饲养家禽、家畜等宠物。No poultry or pets are allowed in the dormitory.

全世界的家畜也处于危险区中。The world's livestock are also in the danger zone.

他们约在七年之前将这家畜去势。They had the animal neutered some seven years back.

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家畜还是主要的温室气体排放源。Livestock are also a major source of greenhouse gases.

住在这些棚屋的一家人与家畜相伴。Families live in these huts along with their livestock.

广东富产家畜、水果和蔬菜。Guangdong is rich in livestock, fruits, and vegetables.

马,狗,猫,牛及猪都是家畜。Horses, dogs, cats, cows, and pigs are domestic animals.

它们一定是从运家畜的卡车上掉下来的。They must have fallen off the back of a livestock truck.

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这个世界范围的家畜流行病不会很快减少。B. The worldwide epizootic will not decrease immediately.

动物的母兽尤指家畜的母兽。Female parent of an animal especially domestic livestock.

克隆家畜成为生物技术农业下一个前沿。Cloned livestock are the next frontier in biotech farming.