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哇啊哇。他的因果报应以及天条啊。狠狠地!Wow. His karma ran over his dogma. Big time!

我也很迷惑,难道不懂英文也犯天条了!Yes or No! Who knows! Only God know, may be.

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一旦某个目标被找到,触犯天条的博客或论坛便被阻塞上几分钟。When they find one, the offending blog or chat can be blocked within minutes.

可是,被责骂后嬉皮笑脸,难道不也是另一不可犯的天条吗?However, after being scolded by teens, is it not another day should not be committed?

您就是我的整个世界,您的愿望就是我乐意格守的天条。告诉我要做什么,我一定去做。You are all the world to me, and your desire is my law and my pleasure. Tell me what to do and I will do it.

触犯天条的天牛,被玉帝罚下人间投胎为牛,永世耕种土地。Breach of Article Motsch. days and was fined under the Emperor reborn as human cattle, farming the land forever.

这种行为在任何公司都是违反天条的,事发后傅盛离开了公司。This kind of behavior in any of the companies are in violation of law, after the incident, Fu Sheng left the company.

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牛郎的牛,实际上是天上的一个神,因为犯了天条,被贬下凡间做为一头牛吃苦赎罪。The cowherd's ox, which was actually an immortal from heaven, made mistakes in heaven and was reincarnated as an ox to toil on earth.

“价值观的执行天条”,导致了企业管理实践的个性行为原则的总结、提升。"the performance of the value day", caused the business enterprise manage fulfillment of the summary of sexual behavior principle, promote.

在我知道的中国神话故事中,中国的神仙是不可以有感情的,特别是严禁和凡人发生感情,那是犯天条的。I know that in the Chinese fairy tale, the gods of China can not have feelings, in particular, is strictly prohibited and the feelings of the ordinary happened, it was guilty of days of the article.