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这药不灵。The drug will not work.

这台机器不灵了。The machine doesn't work.

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西方生意经在中国不灵。Western business logic does not apply.

这缝纫机操作不灵。The sewing-machine doesn't run properly.

电话不灵了。没有拨号音了。The first phone failed to give a dial tone.

此刻运转不灵的是我们的政治体制。It is our political system that is not working.

电话不灵了。没有拨号音了。The phone is out of order. there is no dial tone.

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⊙、钟不敲不鸣,人不学不灵。Clock don't knock, people don't learn ineffective.

田伯光真是叫天天不灵叫地地不应。TianBoGuang is that every day is hard to should not be.

他指出,这种情况出现是由于消息不灵通。He pointed out that this situation is due to ill-informed.

玥生意周转不灵,一教荣工作赚钱助玥。Business revolving he work to earn a teach honor he grants.

贷币机构开始周转不灵和不准确了。The money mechanism began to work stiffly and inaccurately.

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这辆自行车的闸不灵了。你要是骑着它走下坡路,那你就是玩命呢。The bike brakes don't work. If you ride downhill, you'll be tempting fate.

你看斄牛的身躯是如此庞大,然而要牠捉老鼠,牠就不灵了。Such a huge body had yak. Though it is not as agile as weasel in preying on mice.

鹤的脖子特长在河边吃鱼、吃小虫子很好,可是要当啄木鸟就不灵了。Crane's neck is long enough to catch fish and insect, but to be a woodpecker, crane is no good.

如果法案无法获得通过,那么预计政府将在今秋陷入资金周转不灵的窘境。If the bill can not get through, then expect the government will fall into a cash flow dilemma.

你又周转不灵了啊?真搞不懂?,你的薪水比一般人都高,怎麽老是收支不能平衡呢?Your salary is much higher than the average people, how come you can never make both ends meet?

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张女士说,如果那时候出现意外,真是叫天天不应叫地地不灵了。Zhang said that if the unexpected time really should not call every day, being heard by anyone out.

2008年一年,澳门也经历了裁员的风波,赌场开发商们现金周转不灵。Throughout 2008 Macau also saw waves of lay-offs, as casino developers struggled with a cash squeeze.

你能帮我穿下针吗?今天我手脚不灵。当我心烦意乱是,我就会笨手笨脚的。Can you thread this needle for me? I'm all thumbs today. When I get nervous I'll be all fingers and thumbs.