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李华是一位文史兼通的大家。In short, Li Hua is both a litterateur and a historian.

我听说你买到了世界三大男高文史春秋杂志音北京演唱会的好票。I heard you had great seats for the Three Tenors concert in Beijing.

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现任重庆市文史研究馆馆员。He is a member of culture and history research center of Chongqing City.

对一些精选展品内容,还配有文史专家的讨论视频。For selected items, there are videos featuring discussions by expert curators.

对历史地理中国文史有较深了解。The history and geography have deeper understanding of Chinese literature and history.

阿英是中国著名的文学家、戏剧家、文史家和藏书家。A Ying was a famous Chinese litterateur, dramatist, historian and book collector as well.

武则天从小聪明果断,通文史,长得又漂亮,14岁那年被唐太宗召进皇宫,成为才人。At the age of 14, she was taken into the imperial palace by Emperor Taizong as a concubine.

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上午刚好又偶遇文史专家王力明先生,听他讲,钟乳石100年才能长1厘米。Morning just meet experts Mr. Wang Liming, to hear him speak, stalactites, 100 to 1 cm long.

因对文史具有深刻的哲学性思维,在国画的变法冮有著承先启后的影响力。For his profound philosophy thinking on history, he has import influence on later generation.

这与华北地区古文史资料记录的古气候变化有较好的一致性,并具有全球变化意义。Such climatic fluctuations well accord with the historical records and may be of a global significance.

另外,我国古代文学有文史不分的传统。Besides, there is a tradition that literature and history are not divided in ancient Chinese literature.

承办国务院参事、中央文史研究馆馆员的遴选事务。To select counselors of State Council and members of CPC Central Research Institute of Culture and History.

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多年来众说纷纭,文史资料中重点推举的釜山就有四五处。Over the years there are diverse views, cultural and historical data in the focus of the Busan has elected 45.

传统的文史研究基本是以个体为单位,自己自足。The traditional cultural and historical research is based on the individual as the basic unit of self-sufficiency.

续编是将前两本书未及收集的文史典故加以诠释,使得这个领域的研究更加完整。The continuation illustrates those anecdotes ignored in the previous two books to complete the research in this field.

如人物传记,科普读物,寓言故事,社会文化,文史知识,新闻报道,广告说明,信函,图表等。If reading biographies, science, social culture, fables, humanities knowledge, news, advertising, letters, charts, etc.

基本上通识教育可分为社会科学、文史艺术类、自然科学与数学类。Basically, general education maintains three parts, social science, natural science and mathematics, and applied science.

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佛教文史掌故极多,本文仅就阅读所得,对几个问题深入考究,并依时代先后汇录成篇。The allusions of Buddhism are so numerous that the study is only to probe into several questions enlightened after reading.

但学文史的人可能有一种知识分子的习性,把宗教当学问来研究。Students of literature and history, may have stronger intellectual leanings, often study religion as an intellectual pursuit.

本书是阅读和理解金庸小说文史典故的活字典,也是研究金庸作品的工具书。This book is both a dictionary listing the cultural and historical anecdotes in Jin Yong's works and a tool to study his works.