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她不敢去唤醒她夫婿。She was afraid to wake her husband.

我夫婿昂首看了看,说“母亲来了?”My husband looked up and said, 'Mom's here?'

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她与夫婿跟随石桂林博士在列国中事奉。She and her husband have served in many nations with Sister Gwen Shaw.

史姑娘夫人是我的伴侣,但我纯粹面生她夫婿。Mrs. Smith is a friend of mine, but I don't know her husband from Bdam.

我环顾四周,忍不住想从中选出夫婿。As I look around, I'm tempted to pick out which one should be my husband.

我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我没想到夫婿是个轻薄儿知道你归隐之心长期以来不曾中断浮云终日行思,我想你。I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about. I miss you.

当她获悉他的夫婿和别的女孩子约会时,她就大吵大闹起来。When she learned that her husband had dated other girls, she started yelling bloody murder.

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昨天,我夫婿把大门拆除了,雷克斯很生气,以致此后我们再也见不到他了。Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed that we have not seen him since.

妹妹的阿什利·辛普森和夫婿、摇滚明星皮特·温兹去年诞下儿子布朗克斯·莫格利。The younger Simpson sister had a baby, Bronx Mowgli, with husband rock star Pete Wentz last year.

其次,我会去赴周庄,传统的南边城镇和我夫婿为2天的旅行。Secondly, I would go to Zhouzhuang , a traditional southern town with my husband for a 2 days' trip.

等他成了她的正统夫婿,他再怎么也逃避不掉她的追索了。Wait he to become her orthodox tradition husband, how did he also evade again not to drip her to track.

我不相信父母作主强加于子女的夫婿,也不相信通过第三者撮合的婚事。I do not believe that parents make decisions on children's husband, also don't believe in the third match.

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石岐区某服饰店妙龄美女四名公开向社会征夫婿一名。Marriageable belle makes public shop of some dress of stone Qi area 4 times to ask for a husband to the society.

杨利伟是一位夫婿以及爸爸,可在今日他也是神州的熬头位航宇员,同时也是一位平易近族英雄。Yang Liwei is still a husband and a father. But today he's also Chellona's first astronaut, and a national hero.

宝钗的这个衡量未来夫婿前程的系统,与她是否愿意与那个人建立真实的关系几乎毫不相干。Bao-chai's system for measuring men as prospects usually had little to do with any desire to form actual relationships.

如果自家的一条母獒到了发情期,主人为其选夫婿,看中某条好公獒,先别着急锁定。If a dog to own the estrus period for the election of her husband masters, the eyes of a certain good, not anxious to lock.

伊娃·朗格莉亚在克罗地亚为夫婿——篮球运动员托尼·帕克助威时享用肯德基之炸鸡块。Eva Longoria enjoyed some fried chicken as she watched her husband, basketball player Tony Parker, play basketball in Croatia.

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它们警告我们,我们的工作和夫婿很可能会被更年青的女人抢走,我们将碰面对于一个很可怕的未来,那就是我们将被彻底无视。We're warned that our jobs and husbands will be usurped by younger women. We face the dreadful prospect of our own 'invisibility'.

妈利有喜悦的个性,内人和我及她和她的夫婿郭惠二共度的夜晚将留在我们的记忆里。Marie has a delightful personality and an evening spent with her and her husband, Theodore, will live in the memories of my wife and I.

我很幸运地领有一个出色的夫婿和两个标致的孩子,她们由着我去做我爱做的事,并且深爱着本色的我。And I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children who let me do what I love and who love me just the way that I am.