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然后是就是硝烟、噪音和爆炸。And then there's smoke, noise, and explosions.

爆炸引起的硝烟在加沙城上空腾起。Smoke caused by explosions rises over Gaza City.

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在硝烟散尽的战场以后?。After the fires and the bombshells of the battle field?

他们都在祈祷,这样的炮火赶紧停止,最终,炮火停止了,战场的的硝烟逐渐散去,空气变得清朗。Finally, it did. And the smoke of battle began to clear.

北高加索共和国地区的冲突硝烟又起。Conflicts in its north Caucasus republics have flared again.

与难民类似,这些压迫者经常逃到远离硝烟的地方。Just like refugees, oppressors often flee at the end of conflict.

面对这场没有硝烟的战争,我们能做些什么来避免这场灾难呢?WHAT CAN BE DONE to prevent catastrophe from nonexplosive warfare?

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加沙地带硝烟再起,他国要想佯装不知,也是困难重重的。As the flames in Gaza attest, the rest of the world is hard to ignore.

木屋里弥漫着硝烟,多亏了这,我们还算安全些。The log-house was full of smoke, to which we owed our comparative safety.

警方的搜捕表明战后抓捕纳粹战犯的硝烟未散。Their search is the last gasp of the post-war hunt for Nazi war criminals.

这些代价高昂战争取得了胜利,但一挨硝烟散去,美国的麻烦就接踵而至。But the smoke of those Pyrrhic triumphs cleared to reveal America in trouble.

不少烟幕弹在空中炸开,让加沙城等地上空弥漫着白色硝烟。And Gaza city is filled with white smoke, when some shells explode in the air.

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我忍痛割爱,艰难地戒糖,与糖果作了一场没有硝烟的“战争”。" I reluctantly must sell, hard to quit sugar and sweets made with a no smoke "war.

广东新增甲流死亡病例,人心惶惶,又是一场无硝烟的战场。A flow of new deaths in Guangdong, panic, but also is a non-smoke of the battlefield.

当你登长城时,可以想象到那烽火硝烟的壮观战斗场面。When you are climbing the wall, you have an idea as to how grand war for beacon fire.

将军因呐喊和硝烟呛得大声咳嗽起来,在绝望中停步了。The general was choked with screaming and gunpowder -smoke, and he stood still in despair.

九月馈赠一份心灵,让人生要不断地去砥砺一场场没有硝烟的战争。September a spiritual gifts, giving life to always for interaction with the constant Battel.

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还记得当年的伊拉克战争,硝烟至今仍盘旋在伊拉克的领土之上。I still remember the Iraq war. The smoke of gunpowder still can be smelled on the land of Iraq.

近些年来国际掀起了一场无硝烟的“低碳战”,国内外的一切建设都以此为指导思想。In recent years, a low-carbon war without smoke of gunpowder emerged in the international field.

商场如战场,市场竞争实际上是一场没有硝烟的信誉战。The market like battlefield, the market competition in fact does not have the gunsmoke prestige war.