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我就是美貌与智慧并重,英雄与侠义的化身唐伯虎!I am Bohu Tang with beaty and wit and errantry!

佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages.

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这麽做虽非侠义之道,但却是邪恶地有效。It 's not chivalrous to do so, but it is viciously effective.

我真佩服你老当益壮的侠义精神,罗瑞先生。How I admire the gallantry of your youthful spirit, Mr. Lorry.

人物的忠、奸、善、恶、侠义都可从那张脸上表现出来,它的本身就是一种符号化的立体艺术。The masked face itself is a symbolized work of stereoscopic art.

金牌的阿呆美貌与智慧并存英雄侠义的化身。Gold over beauty and wisdom of both the embodiment of chivalrous hero.

我必须再说一遍,我衷心佩服你老当益壮的侠义精神。I must say again that I heartily admire your gallantry and youthfulness.

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狮子座可能是你遇到过的最有悲悯侠义之风的人。Leo is the most caring and chivalrous person you could ever come across.

他捐狂桀骜的个性则承继了墨家侠义精神的气息。His arrogant temperament is a kind of inheritance of the chivalrous Mohist spirit.

侠义精神乃人类善良天性的一个重要方面。Chivalric spirit is one of the important respects of the kind nature of human being.

仗剑好汉,侠义少年,邀君共赴江湖游。The hero of the chivalrous youth similarities, invites, ruler in rivers and Lakes tour.

除了侠义之道,他们还将神秘与爱情的主题引入到小说之中。Alongside the code of xia they introduced themes of mystery and romance to their stories.

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一直到今天,我们从一些善事和义举中,可以真切感受到古代侠义精神的脉动。Up to now, the pulse of the ancient chivalrous spirit can be sensed from some heroic deeds.

英雄总是正义和侠义的,坏蛋总是邪恶和刻毒的。The heroes are always decent and cavalier, while scoundrels are always malevolence and vicious.

在中国古代小说史中,侠义小说是一个重要方面。Novels on knight-errantry is a very important part in the development of China's ancient novels.

侠义诗在唐代十分繁荣,尤其是初盛唐时期。The chivalrous poems were quite flourishing in the Tang Dynasty, especially in its early period.

我就是美貌与聪明并重,英雄与侠义的化身唐伯虎!I am fine-looking pay equal attention to with wisdom, hero and chivalrous reincarnate Tang Baihu!

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这是暗藏于民间的墨家侠义精神的发掘与再现。It's the excavation and representation of Mohists' spirit of chivalry that concealed in the folk.

民兵在国民党占领区的活动往往带有罗宾汉式的侠义色彩。The operations of militiamen in Kuomintang territory often had a Robin Hood character about them.

受侠义精神的影响,他的军旅诗表达了带有浓厚恩义色彩的个人抱负。Influenced by the cabalier spirit, his military poems showed an ambition of strong personal loyalty.