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鼓女快速转动她指挥棒。The drum majorette twirled her baton.

鼓乐队女队长快速地转动她的指挥棒。The drum majorette twirled her baton.

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我一直想要当一个耍指挥棒的指挥。I always wanted to be a baton twirler.

指挥用指挥棒着打拍节。With his baton the conductor was beating time.

后,歌剧指挥开始挥动他的指挥棒,女高音的歌声随之响起。waving his baton, and the soprano started singing.

他举起指挥棒,交响乐开始演奏了。He raises his baton and the symphony begins to play.

指挥用指挥棒作了一个夸张的动作,结束了这支交响曲。The conductor ended the symphony with a great flourish of his baton.

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音乐廊中,乐队指挥举着指挥棒,站在那儿等待发出信号。In the gallery, the bandmaster, his baton poised, stood waiting FOR a signal.

那是什麽武器啊?难不成你比较喜欢我拿著指挥棒?What kind of weapon is that? Perhaps you'd prefer I used a conductor's baton?

虽然重量级公司步履蹒跚,但小公司正做好准备接过指挥棒。Even if the heavyweights stumble, smaller firms are ready to take up the baton.

在华尔街,“这种脉动恢复了,人们重新挥动起投资的指挥棒。”On Wall Street, "the pulse picks up and people start reexamining their investment theses."

他指着他身后的指挥棒,转过身来面对着违规者。He pointed his baton behind him, then spun around to confront the violator. A sharp whistle.

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手表、一根指挥棒、步话机、一个口哨,以及一个带夹子和鉴定卡的徵章。T. watch, a baton, walkie-talkie, a whistle, and a badge with a clip and an identification card.

我们玩签条,做游戏,指挥棒比赛,印第安人是奔跑,穿梭跑,所有这些事情都重返到健身课堂。We play games. We do baton races, Indian runs, shuttle runs, all these things that go back to gym class.

如同使用一根指挥棒,他用他长长的手指捻动着魔杖,杖上发出许多粉红色和金黄色的火星。He twirled the wand between his long fingers like a baton and it emitted a number of pink and gold sparks.

剧院经理也履行诺言,送给了阿迪蒂那根指挥棒——它本身就堪称一件艺术品。The theater manager kept his word and presented Arditi with a baton that was a work of art in its own right.

“多么美妙的一个香蕉啊,”她把香蕉像指挥棒一个握在手里挥舞着,“我真的爱极了香蕉,是的。“What a splendid banana,” she says, taking and waving it like a baton. “I am very fond of bananas, as you know.

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当然,挥舞指挥棒与帮助、安慰祖母两者之间差异巨大。Of course, there’s a huge difference between waving a conductor’s baton and providing aid and comfort to grandma.

由于其“一考定终身”的性质,高考已经变成了掌控整个教育体系的指挥棒。Because of its life-determining nature, gaokao has become the “baton” that conducts the whole education orchestra.

我深知自己责任重大,因此在这生死攸关的严峻时刻,我接过了德意志的指挥棒。Conscious of this responsibility I am taking over the leadership of the German people in this grave hour of destiny.