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但这与事实相距甚远。But that's far from the truth.

尽管是相距千万里。Though were ten thousand mile.

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两地相距10里。The two places are 10 li apart.

他们相距千里。They are a thousand miles apart.

他们的观点仍然相距甚远。Their views are still wide apart.

树与房屋相距十步。The tree is ten paces from the house.

这两座建筑物相距四英里。The twl buildings are four miles apart.

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这两个村子相距三英里。The two villages are three miles apart.

两个工厂相距三公里。The two factories are three kilometers apart.

德国的先头部队一定相距很近。Certainly the German spearheads were very close.

即使相距甚远,她也可以看出那都是新伤。Even from here she could see the wounds were fresh.

每一项条款都与你的预期相距甚远。The terms do not come anywhere near your expectations.

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而在这一年,中国和美国相距并不遥远,你中有我,我中有你,彼此需要。And in this year, China and America were not far apart.

比如两个随机的城市XYZ和ABC相距4200英里。So, two random cities, XYZ and ABC, are 4,200 miles apart.

两副盔甲相距不过数码,另一副位于右侧,依靠着一把巨剑。The other, a few yards to its right, leans on a large sword.

我们是亲表兄弟,出生时间相差六个月,出生地仅相距几个街区。We were first cousins, born six months and a few blocks apart.

在绘画时身体应与画板相距一臂左右。In the painting the body should with Sketchpad arm around apart.

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大运河连接北京和南方的杭州,两地相距800英里。The canal connects Beijing with Hangzhou, 800 miles to the south.

相距5.43哩的监听站收听到一个短暂的无线电讯号。Two listening posts 5.43 miles apart pick up a brief radio signal.

他的另一半生活好像与伤风败俗相距甚远。The other half of his life seemed infinitely remote from obscenity.