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我就知道韩佳爱说大话。I knew Han Jia loves bragging.

中国看不起说大话的人。Chinese look down on the bouncer.

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你们大多数的教育是说大话。Most of what you are taught is malarkey.

她尽说大话,叫人很难相信她。She blusters so much it's hard to believe her.

唱高调就是说大话或者说空话。This means you're talking high-sounding words or bushwa.

他老爱说大话,就仿佛他是一位要人似的。He likes to talk big as though he was an important person.

敢说大话的人得不到好下场,吓得后人从不说大话变成不说话。Dare not boast of good, frighten posterity never boast become don't talk.

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他使我谦虚,至少让我知道神不必使用说大话的人。He humbles me at least to know that God doesn't have to use a big talker.

久而久之,“吹牛皮筏子”竟变成了“说大话”的同义语。Over time, "blow cow skin raft" finally turned into a synonymous of "brag".

“他就是一个说大话的骗子,总而言之,一个不知廉耻的人,”李先生这样评价许先生。“He’s a liar, a cheat, and altogether an unscrupulous man, ” Mr. Lee said of Mr. Chee.

所以,当时凡遇说大话的人,总有人以“好大的口气,简直可以吹胀一只牛皮筏子”的话来回敬。Therefore, people began to describe those who like to brag as 'he can blow a cow skin raft full'.

恐怕没有人敢说开什么店就一定赚钱,如果有也是说大话的人。I am afraid no one dare to say what stores to open will certainly make a profit, if there is malarkey people.

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在看到这个以后你还能说大话吗?!我感觉到恶魔的力量流淌在我的四肢里!来自斯巴达的力量!You can still talk big after seeing this! ? I feel the devil's power overflowing my body! The power of sparda!

现在,如果你真的关注你就会知道这是科尼赛克的过这整个萨博购买说大话拳打脚踢。Now, if you're really paying attention you'll know it was Koenigsegg that kicked off th is whole Saab buying malarkey.

盖特纳的腐败,无知和说大话的癖好是奥巴马政府必须克服的最大的障碍之一。Geithner's corruption?, profound ignorance and tendency to mouthiness is one of the biggest handicaps the Obama administra?tion must overcome.

最后,也许有些迹象表明那些庸俗的男人们知道自己是在做白日梦--这或许能从他们说大话的程度上表现出来。In the end, there might be some signs that boorish boys know they’re overreaching — and that may be expressed in the level of their braggadocio.

比如说,他总是以另一种说法说出来的,称那为‘到达了终点,’因为他不喜欢说大话,或者为他做的事,搜索枯肠加以美化。He would have put it differently, called it ‘reaching the end of the line, ’ for example, because he didn’t like big words, or, for that matter, words.

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亨利叔叔是个性情暴戾老绅士,矮个儿,大肚子,脸孔红红的,一头蓬乱的银白长发,他非常看不惯那种女性的怯弱和爱说大话的习惯。Uncle Henry was a short, pot-bellied, irascible old gentleman with a pink face, a shock of long silver hair and an utter lack of patience with feminine timidities and vaporings.

在我的印象中,日本民族是世界上最丑陋的民族,虚伪,惯于算计别人,说大话使小钱,与日本人稍稍接触就能感受到这样的性格特点。In my mind, the Japanese nation is the world's most ugly national, hypocrisy, wont calculated others, malarkey make lepta, exceedingly I slightly contact can feel this character.

这个切罗基族传说讲的是一只“想捉鸭子的兔子”。这只爱说大话的兔子总想在其他动物面前表现的能够自圆其说。Cherokee legend, commonly known as "The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting, " is about a rabbit who is a braggart and a trickster able to persuade other animals that he can back up his boasts.