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好吧你来教我三角学?Right, you're gonna teach me trig ?

他的三角学分数很低。He received a low mark for trigonometry.

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球面三角学向量法。Vector approach to spherical trigonometry.

他在数学书的部门找到一些三角学的书?He found books on trigonometry in the mathematics section.

数学,包括学前、代数、几何、三角学。Mathematics, including Pre-Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry.

印度人和希腊人一样,把三角学当作他们天文学的工具。The Hindus , like the Greeks , regarded trigonometry as a tool for their astronomy.

语言安琪儿典质那伙人而且在三角学形的立场猛击她们。the language angel hanged up the gang and banged them at the angle of the triangle.

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他们可能不知道的物理或三角学什么,但他们发挥,如果他们做的事。they might not know anything about physics or trigonometry, but they play as if they do.

你们得懂三角学,你们得知道什么是正弦什么是余弦You've got to know your trigonometry, you've got to know what's a sine and what's a cosine.

课题包含利用流体物理学规律,以及物理学和三角学的应用来对血溅形态进行分析。Topics include the physical laws of fluids and the application of physics and trigonometry to bloodstain pattern analysis.

三角学有助于旋转和移动人物,而代数学则适用于制作使影像闪闪发光的特效。Trigonometry helps rotate and move characters, while algebra creates the special effects that make images shine and sparkle.

勘测人员利用几何,代数,三角学,以及各种技术,对土地及其特征进行精确的测量。Surveyors use geometry, algebra, and trigonometry, as well as a variety of technologies, to take exact measurements of the land and its features.

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咱们走过左面三角学形的大农场,路变宽了,可以许可咱们并排走在一路。但我退缩地走在后面,想着那一些没有问出口也没有办法回覆的需要别人解答的题目。We passed the triangular farm on our left and the path widened to allow us to walk together. I hung back in the separate unasked and unanswerable questions.

有必要说明一下,早在公元前300年的亚里士多德时期,那时的球面三角学和天文观测结果就批驳了珊顿的地平论观点。Shenton's critics, it should be pointed out, can fall back on spherical trigonometry and astronomical ­observations that date right back to Aristotle in 330BC.

运用三角学方法和最少自由度原则,得到了操作手运动方程简化的求解算法。By means of trigonometric method and the principle of least degree of freedom, a simplified method for solving kinematic equations of the manipulator is proposed.

这一法则不仅只合用于三角学形、圆形、方形如许的基本形状,这是字体设计的基来历根底则,整个字体中的所有字符都合用这一原则。Thellos doesn't only count for basic forms like triangles, circles and squares. It's essential in type design, because they apply to every single character in a typeface.