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我们的立场就是如此。This is our stance.

立场2劣于立场3吗Is 2 dominated by 3?

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他站不稳立场。He didn't stand firm.

我理解你的立场。I realise your position.

那种立场是荒唐的。That position is absurd.

不妨来看看对手选立场1的时候Well, how about versus 1.

这不意味这立场2会击败立场1It does not mean 2 beats 1.

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莉亚公主立场坚定。Princess Leia has attitude.

而立场3比立场2更靠近立场5So 3 is closer to 5 than 2.

多少人同意比尔•巴尔格的立场?the position of Billy Bulger?

我需要你为我站稳立场。I need you to stand up for me.

希姆斯先生,你是什么立场?What’s your position, Mr. Simms?

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来看看他们在西得乐的立场。Come see them at the Sidel stand.

后来,他放弃了和平主义立场。He later cast aside his pacifism.

他意志坚强,立场坚定。He is iron-willed and stands firm.

我也明白立场的问题。I can see that point of view, too.

我希望这能阐明我的立场。I hope this clarifies my position.

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王传福立场坚定地反驳了这一点。Mr Wang deflects the point firmly.

如果两人都选了立场2呢And what about if we both choose 2?

但他是否会坚持那样的立场?But will he stick to that position?