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页岩层在煤层下面。Shale underlies the coal.

我们可以从页岩中提取石油。We can extract oil from shale.

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这个卫生间的主材是页岩。Of this toilet advocate material is shaly.

因此粘土和页岩就往往不透水。Thus clays and shales tend to be impermeable.

砂岩通常都与页岩互层。Sandstones are, as a rule, interbedded with shales.

李应方当时从树洞中挖出了一块60厘米长的页岩板。From a hole he unearthed a two-foot-long shale slab.

在这些页岩里有产油的有机物质。Oil-yielding organic matter is contained in the shales.

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夹在其中的页岩层通常是塑性变形。The shale beds in between generally deform plastically.

砂岩和页岩单元是同时的。The coarsest sandstones intercalated with grey mudstones.

这个地区的灰岩、砂岩和页岩都是很柔软的。The limestone, sandstone and shale of this area were soft.

深水原地沉积主要包括深水泥页岩沉积。The autochthonous mainly includes the argillaceous deposit.

我们必须找到从页岩中采油的经济方法。We must find economical methods for extracting oil from shale.

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滑坡体为志留系高家边组页岩。The landslide occur in the Gao Jabian shale of Silurian Period.

要指出的是,这并非直接蕴藏在页岩中的原油。It is worth noting that this is not crude that is directly in shale.

贵州早寒武世早期普遍存在一套黑色页岩。There is a black shale which widespread at Early Cambrian in Guizhou.

周忠和拾起一块页岩,戴着金丝眼镜瞅了半天。Zhou picks up a slab and peers at it through his wire-rimmed glasses.

七月,法国成为禁止页岩天然气探测的第一国。In June, France became the first country to ban shale-gas exploration.

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局部出现砂质页岩薄层和碳质碎屑。Thin layers of sandy shale, and carbonaceous fragments are locally present.

锰矿主要产于盆地中心亚相的黑色页岩夹碳酸锰矿微相内。The manganese deposits occur in black shale-manganese carbonate microfacies.

如今中国、爱沙尼亚和巴西拥有页岩油的工业生产。Today, China, Estonia and Brazil have their shale oil commercial production.