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但在特定议题和想法上,双方仍有歧异。But differences remain on specifics and philosophy.

双宾语句中引进与事的介词在汉语方言中颇有歧异。The dative markers are very different in Chinese dialects.

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我们必须从英国取得无歧异的再确认。We must secure from the British unequivocal reaffirmation.

关于网络道德的含义,目前理论界的解说颇有歧异。About the network morals meaning, at present the theory illustration quite has the difference.

梦更容易把我们深埋内心的歧异感情上升到意识层面。Dreams are more likely to let the more divergent feelings inside us rise to our consciousness.

思想的歧异是形成嵇、阮诗歌风格差异的重要原因。Their poem style has obvious differences, which is closely related to their thought difference.

本文分析了内中原因及由此所展现出来的严、梁个性、思想上的歧异。This paper analyzes the reasons and the differences of individualities and thoughts between them.

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如在对正统与道统的态度问题,王夫之的思想有明显的歧异。Such as in the orthodox and the attitude of orthodoxy, the idea of Wang Fuzhi significant differences.

如中﹑英文文本之文义有任何歧异,一概以中文文本为准。In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

如中﹑英文文本之文义有任何歧异,一概以英文文本为准。In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

中文译本仅供参考,文义如与英文有歧异,概以英文本为准。In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions. the English version shall prevail.

目的研究双歧异黄酮奶粉对糖尿病大鼠肾脏病变的保护作用及其机制。Objective To research the protective mechanism of Bifidus isoflavone milk powder on the kidney of diabetic rats.

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为便于比较,先转录全文,然后分析两个文本的歧异之点。For ease of comparison, the first transcribed text, and then analyze the differences between the two texts point.

如中、英文版本有任何抵触或歧异,应以英文版本为准。If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English and Chinese version, the English one shall prevail.

考究张竹坡、文龙二人的小说评点话语歧异,对反讽文法的参透程度当为影响二人评点话语差异的一个重要原因。Judged from the differences between Zhang's and Wen's, the critical reason maybe the grammars of Irony and Satire.

利用对比的方式从不同的角度分析了产生误解、歧异的原因。As well, it gives an analysis of the causes of such misunderstandings and ambiguities by means of comparative analysis.

最后他决定将婴儿还给家人,此时,「正版」和「海盗版」的剧情开始出现歧异。He finally decides to return the baby to his parents. Now this is where the legitimate version and the pirate one differ.

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关于马歇尔体系特征的概括和评价,历来存在明显的歧异。There have always been strikingly different interpretations of the summary and review of the features of Marshall System.

如中、英文版本有任何抵触或歧异,应以英文版本为准。If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

对分类标引工作中产生歧异的几种原因进行了分析,并提出了避免歧异产生的几点建议。This paper has analyzed the differences of classification and cataloging and put forward suggestions to avoid such differences.