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有时候倏地游开去。Sometimes they darted off.

于是四月便倏地一下飞进我们怀中。And April slips into our arms.

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商人的心倏地下沉,渐渐变冷。The merchant’s heart sank and turned cold.

一个有些阴冷的女音倏地响起。A some cold Yin female sound Shu grounds ring out.

一辆黑色大轿车在垃圾箱旁倏地一声停住了。A large black car skidded to a halt by the dustbins.

我要死的话,丹妮,要死得迅速,象灯火倏地熄灭。When I go, Danny, I want to go out quickly-like a light.

温迪倏地一转身,尽力狠揍其攻击者。Wenddy turned as a flash and hit her attacker as hard as she could.

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它倏地斜着后掠的双翅俯冲,然后又盘旋起来。He made a quick drop, slanting down on his backswept wings, and then circled again.

于是,它在窗上慢慢地滑落,然后融化,它的美丽也倏地消失。Then, slowly, slipping and sliding down the glass, it would melt, its beauty fleeting.

有一只泡泡朝我飞来,我伸出手想要接住它,它却倏地一下消失了。There was a bubble to come to me, I reach out and want to catch it, it slips disappeared.

小鸟萨莎倏地飞入树中,小猫伊万爬上了树,彼得也跑到了树的后面。Sasha the Bird flew into a tree. Ivan the Cat climbed the tree. Peter ran behind the tree.

鲍里•嘎吐纯粹出于习惯,心里在盘算着他怎样才能倏地一下把那个胀鼓鼓的钱包抢到手。From sheer habit Paulie Gatto wondered just how he could go about hijacking that fat pocketbook.

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江芷兰心脏处倏地一紧,之于云哲,她真的是亏欠他太多。River the Zhi orchid heart Shu ground a tight, it is at cloud Zhe, she really owes him too many.

他倏地转身回书房,他去拿相机拍向去群里欣赏。He the Shu ground turn round den once, he takes camera to clap to go to and appreciate in cluster.

黑暗中,车头灯光芒倏地亮起,人类对终极速度的追寻却永无休止。Searing car headlights lighting up the darkness proved that man's pursue of speed will never cease.

“人间的生活多么美好啊!你死后我会改嫁他人!”商人的心倏地下沉,渐渐变冷。"Life is so good over here! I'm going to remarry when you die! " The merchant's heart sankturned cold.

四个大汉一听到那个声音,倏地收势急停,呆立在原地。As soon as the four burly men heard that voice, they stopped dead in their tracks and stood there stupidly.

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“走开。”他对桃金娘说道。她倏地钻回抽水马桶,留下一片令人耳鸣的寂静。"Go, " he said to Myrtle, and she swooped back into her toilet at once, leaving a ringing silence behind her.

坐在礁石上,听着海水溅起的声音,我的钓竿倏地抖动起来,竿起鱼现。Sitting on the reef and listening to the spoondrift , I suddenly felt my rod shaking. I raised the rod and a fish was caught.

他的身子从胫部以下都变得麻木无知觉,平静中,他不再会倏地惊醒过来,去迫使自己重新面对这样的现实。He no longer snapped awake in the quiet hours, forced to confront, all over again, the fact that he had no sensation from the neck down.