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这使她暗地里很恼火。It was this which secretly chagrined her.

荣誉羞着我,因为我暗地里追求着它。Praise shames me, for I secretly beg for it. ?

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他被暗地里从英格兰队中除名了。He has been quietly dropped from the England team.

他虽有妻室,但暗地里还有一个女朋友。He's married but he has a girl-friend on the side.

荣誉使我感到羞惭,由于我暗地里求着它。Praise shames me- for I secretly plead with for it.

瓦萨里过去曾在暗地里保护过不少画作。Vasari had a history of secretly protecting paintings.

当时,他们承诺停工,但暗地里仍在施工。Then they promised to stop, but they secretly carried on.

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再坏的人,至少都会在暗地里对正直之士心生敬意。There is no man so bad but he secretly respects the good.

但是也会使得其他亲王暗地里反对他们。It also prompted other princes to align quietly against them.

那时,我会一声不吭但是暗地里很享受整个打扮的过程。I kept silent but enjoyed the whole course of make-up stealthily.

拉在暗地里对阿诺和维婕尔之间的明争暗斗十分满意。He quietly reveled in the rivalry that grew between Anor and Vergere.

心还是你的心,你在暗地里望着它发抖。Your heart remains with you, you gaze upon it in the gloom with a shudder.

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表面装着不知道,暗地里却将毒酒浸染在一只萧上在。Surface pretended not to know, secretly but wine disseminated in a shaw in.

此举对于尾盘有一定的杀伤力,不少尾盘暗地里在积极促销。This is closing a certain lethality , many stocks on the sly in active sales.

蝴蝶向平克顿吐露,她已暗地里信奉了基督教。Now Butterfly confides to Pinkerton that she has secretly embraced Christianity.

看到李萨灵尴尬的脸,德伦福晋暗地里满意地笑!Having seen Li Surung's embarassed face , Delun Fujin laughed complacently in dark !

说不上什么时候,她就会暗地里给你使绊子,防止你发展。Maybe someday she will do something secretly in her power to obstruct your development.

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有什么事情暗地里悄悄的解决,各凭本事。What is up and secretly and quietly solve, Doudoune Moncler Homme, every with the skill.

然而,他说,这些公司在暗地里都称攻击来自中国。Behind closed doors, however, companies describe attacks that originate in China, he said.

另外两个海盗很羡慕哈克那种神气十足的抽烟姿态,暗地里决心要赶快学会它。The other pirates envied him this impressive vice, and secretly determined to adopt it soon.