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我会编一个滴水不漏的遁词。I'll hoke up a good alibi.

他们的防守滴水不漏。Both of them are so solid defensively.

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她也爱“站卫兵”,把表姊、表弟都罩顾得滴水不漏…And she also loves to stand guard "over" him!

我想跟他辩,但他的逻辑是滴水不漏。I want to argue with him,but his logic is watertight.

我想跟他辩,但他的逻辑是滴水不漏。I want to argue with him but his logic is way too tight.

红人队今天的防守是滴水不漏的。The Redskin defense isn't letting anything through today.

您知道,我们多希望我们的小盒子滴水不漏。You know how we like to make our little boxes watertight.

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我想跟他辩,但他的逻辑是滴水不漏。I intended to debate with him, but his arguments were so convincing.

新型防水胶经得起连续的大雨冲刷,滴水不漏。The newly-designed glue is waterproof and can bear endless heavy rain.

不到一年我接过了编辑的位置,我更是把推广唱片这块捂得滴水不漏。Within a year, I took over the editorship, and I secured the promotional music drip.

另一只也同意。大家兴奋地叽叽喳喳,称赞这个安排实在是滴水不漏。"Yes! " agreed another. Everyone chattered excitedly as they talked up this perfect plan.

之前的多个小型合作项目也被澳大利亚海外投资“门神”监护的滴水不漏。Previous smaller deals had also met with tough scrutiny from Australia’s foreign-investment watchdog.

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妄图做一个在思想和行为上都滴水不漏的人,这种想法实在是非常荒唐的,大概没有比这个想法更可笑的了。In an attempt to make an in thinking and behavior are good people, this idea is very absurd, probably no more ridiculous than the idea.

在佩特利布里奇往上的荒原,虽说我的帐篷挨了一整晚的瓢泼大雨依然滴水不漏,可这是一个人的冷暖自知,在大自然中也感到自身的过于渺小。And while my tent didn't leak despite a fierce overnight downpour on the moors above Pateley Bridge, it's a one-man affair and feels too small.

初看起来,这种隐蔽的却可以验证的交易似乎就不合逻辑,但双方之间完全“隔离”可以称得上是滴水不漏。It seems illogical at first that such blind but verifiable transactions can occur, but the integrity of their "disconnection" is pretty watertight.

如果怀疑脑波窃盗直译系统或滴水不漏窃视窃听系统已经找上您,就请在我网志部落格留言。If the brain waves of suspected theft or translation system as leak-burglary system has been looking for eavesdropping on you, on my blog in blog messages.

的确,人们总是会建议别人做事之前先作打算,但试想一下,能够把准备工作做到滴水不漏纯粹只是你荒唐的南柯一梦罢了。Yes, planning ahead is always recommended but thinking that you can actually be able to prepare for absolutely everything is just plain foolish on your part.

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这是一种滴水不漏的任务处理方法论,一种精致的分类系统和时钟般的邮件处理、标签制作和琐事优先的生活方式。The myth is that a water-tight task-handling methodology, an elaborate folder system, a clockwork method for handling your inbox, a label-maker, and a set of routines come first.