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梁先生是位宽宏大量的人。Mr. Liang is a generous man.

贝佐斯对乔布斯十分宽宏大量。Bezos is magnanimous toward Jobs.

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贤明的统治者在胜利时能宽宏大量。A wise ruler is generous in victory.

他的施舍行为表现出他的宽宏大量的性格。His charity bespeaks a generous nature.

她慷慨,只赁给宽宏大量的人。The bounteous largess given thee to give?

在她最坚强,最宽宏大量的时候。In her strongest , most magnanimous moments.

他宽宏大量地接受了道歉。He accepted the apology with great generosity.

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当然,一个胜者常常是宽宏大量的。Of course, a victor can always be magnanimous.

他天生既仁慈又宽宏大量。Both kindness and munificence are due to his nature.

他对他的敌人展现异常的宽宏大量。He displayed extraordinary magnanimity toward his enemy.

他的教授大都对他宽宏大量,始终助他一臂之力。Most of his professors were lenient and helped him along.

对手下败将他通常很宽宏大量。He often mete out generous treatment to those he defeated.

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我本来是一个宽宏大量的人,但你的行为实在叫人难以忍受。I am a bounteous person, but your behavior indeed can not be beared.

冷峻严肃,宽宏大量,她就是要让你晓得你也会犯傻犯糊涂。Earnest and magnanimous, she is reminding of man's occasional silliness.

我是一个诚实且幽默、宽宏大量和敢于创新的电子、电脑工程师。I am a honesty, humor, generous and the creative's electronics engineer.

嘿,乔治·巴比特,你像剃刀口那么宽宏大量,通情达理。Why, George Babbitt, you're about as broad-minded and liberal as a razor-blade.

亨利艾塔近来采取了无可奈何的单纯口气,变得宽宏大量了。Henrietta had lately taken up the tone of helpless innocence and large concession.

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他能够轻而易举地做到宽宏大量,但是一接触到现实,事情就难办了。He can be easily munificent. But when it comes to reality, things become difficult.

坦白说,从人狭窄的眼光来看,我认为神实在太宽宏大量了。Truthfully, from my small-minded, human viewpoint, I think God is much too generous.

新闻界最初的反应是有分寸的,客观的,尽管并不那么宽宏大量。The first reaction by the media was measured and balanced though not overly generous.