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你我的情义将天长地久。That I thought would last somehow.

在过去的21年里,我找到了情义。Over the last 21 years, I have found loyalty.

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很少能找到个有情义的大公司。It's rare to find a large company with a heart.

人海之中,找到了你,一切变了有情义。In the crowd, I find you, everything gets colorful.

中国既重情义,也讲原则。China both values friendship and stands on principles.

她喜欢聪明,有才华,有情义的人。She prefers the intelligent, talented and affectionate man.

但自古情义两难全,他该如何抉择,才能无愧于心?But since the tifosi dilemma, how to choice, can good conscience?

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他们说,城市里人与人之间没有真正的情义。They said the city has no real bonds of friendship between people.

不知道这么重情义的你为什么喜欢把别人跟你说的话抓图呢?Hospitable so do not know why you people like to say you capture it?

那么,到底伊戈达拉与这座并没有那么多兄弟情义的城市之间出了些什么问题呢?So, what's the problem with Andre and the city of not so brotherly love?

你对我那位可怜的妹妹情义太重,我再也不能不感激你了。I can no longer help thanking you for your unexampled kindness to my poor sister.

出于吉安娜对部落的忠诚情义,兽人们同意让她的部队安全地回到塞拉摩的家园。For her loyalty, the orcs allowed Jaina's forces to return home safely to Theramore.

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我相信这件事情,也应该是少数内部情义人知道的事情。I believe that this matter should also be internal friendship is one of the few people to hear.

出人意料的是,陌生人之间比亲人之间还要有情义。Surprisingly, even between strangers than there are bonds of friendship between family members.

以月饼之圆兆人之团圆,以信豚之心见人之情义!The round of moon cakes were to show the reunion, and the heart of Sintun was to express the brotherhood!

你们之间相期相许的情义、相扶相将的友爱,就是荔园盛开的诚信之花。The helpful and loving relationship between you and your schoolmates is actually a blooming flower of sincerity.

他一直是一个重情义的人,但是他还是厌倦了把丹麦生产的“乐高”拼装玩具送给朋友作为生日礼物。He's been a good sport , but he's weary of Danish-made Legos, the only sure bet for birthday gifts for his friends.

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当兄弟姐妹懂得重视同胞的情义超过财物,彼此就不会为了争取财物而产生怨恨。When I value my familial ties more than property and belongings, no resentment will come between me and my siblings.

当兄弟姐妹懂得重视同胞的情义超过财物时,彼此就不会为了争取财物而产生怨恨。When ia value my familial ties more than property and belongings, no resentment will come between me and my siblings.

当然,作为微软俱乐部的上任主席,我们的老会长,他给我们传达的是浓浓的情义、深深的教诲和美好的祝福。Of course as the former preside of ms club he delivered his deep reins profoundly edification and brave benison to us.