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我不能肯定我是否领悟了你的意思。I am not sure I know what you mean.

这时学生们领悟过来了。“可能还没满吧!”By this time the class was on to him.

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丰雄终于领悟到只手声音了。Toyo had realized the sound of one hand.

日本政府似乎领悟到了这点。The Japanese government seems to get this.

过了一会儿他才领悟那则坏消息。It took him a while to digest the bad news.

尝试着去领悟一些喜剧影片的故事情节。Try to follow the story line of comedy shows.

他领悟到,这就是圣诞节的重要性吧。That was the meaning of Christmas, he realized.

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这是我穷极一生所领悟到的。This I know, this I have learned in my life­time.

斯帝阿姿--源自对艺术的领悟…Steel-arts--- Coming from the apperception of art.

下面是一个快速测试来检验你的面试领悟力。Below is a quick quiz to test your interview savvy.

历经多年人生如梦,最后终于领悟生命的真谛。Dreaming all these years, finally the right decision.

这需要一点领悟。为什么应该如此呢?That takes a bit of digesting. Why should this be so?

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大风起兮,带它们领悟自我的真谛去了。The great winds came and took them up into themselves.

疼痛是一种破茧而出的领悟。Pain is a kind of restricting cocoon and comprehension.

这次远行是一种自我发现和自我领悟的朝圣之旅。The voyage is one of self-discovery and self-realization

迟钝的理解力或领悟力迟钝的或薄弱的。Lacking acuity or clarity of understanding or perception.

她曾在延安的窑洞里住过,并真正领悟了延安的奥秘所在。She lived in a Yan'an cave and caught the Yan'an Mystique.

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正是他的朋友马塞尔·杜尚使他领悟到了这一点。It was his friend Marcel Duchamp who made him realise this.

当你有所领悟时,把它们记在你的日记里。When you have a realization, write it down in your journal.

哲学家渴望明了人类如何领悟事物之问题。Philosophers have an avidity to know how we perceive objects.