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比如存在着忍饥挨饿的孩子或者垂死挣扎的母亲。Children starving, mothers dying.

这是一尊“垂死挣扎的高卢人”的雕塑。It is the statue of the "Dying Gaul".

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然后她垂死挣扎,在时速80迈的撞车之后。Then dying, after that crash at 80 miles an hour.

敌人更加疯狂地进行垂死挣扎。The enemy became more frantic in its death-bed struggle.

敌人的垂死挣扎只能加速他们的灭亡。The enemys dead bed struggles only accelerate their death.

但这并没有给他们赢得多少时间来进行垂死挣扎。But this did not win them much time in their death-bed struggle.

为了弥补损失,银行现在只能垂死挣扎了。The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs.

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并且美国仍然深陷两场战争的泥潭,垂死挣扎——一个是被忽视,另一个让人费解。And Americans were still dying in two wars—one neglected, the other inexplicable.

在他的记忆里有个窟窿,一个黑暗的场所,一个被四个月的垂死挣扎掘成的深渊。There was a void in his memory, a black spot, an abyss excavated by four months of agony.--Many

普拉西斯像只垂死挣扎的野兽,咆哮着,怒吼着,GMU在它震耳欲聋的呼号里喀喀作响。Praxis bellowed and roared like some tortured animal, rattling the GMU with its clamorous cries.

他们在无力负担在线游戏的经费之后,在垂死挣扎之时萌发了照片分享的主意。They had set on the photo-sharing idea in desperation after they could not finance their online game.

此外,因为全球变暖,所有的海洋生命都要死,那为什么要垂死挣扎呢?Besides, with global warming and everything, all ocean life is going to die anyway, so why prolong the agony?

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这种斗争在音乐领域持续了多年,尽管目前已经很清楚,音乐内容的DRM已经在垂死挣扎了。That fight lasted for years in the music world, though it’s now clear that DRM for music is in its final throes.

在心脏停搏垂死挣扎中的大多数人没有活到紧急医疗服务队来救他们的时候。Most people in the throes of a cardiac arrest do not survive in time for emergency medical service teams to save them.

这些垂死挣扎的军阀团结在第二帝国的旗帜下,以阴影学院为首都。These struggling warlords reformed under the banner of the Second Imperium, with the Shadow Academy as the centerpiece.

他常整夜在凄惨的高烧呓语中以及在阴郁的垂死挣扎时喊着珂赛特的名字。He repeated Cosette's name for whole nights in the melancholy loquacity of fever, and with the sombre obstinacy of agony.

去年,当西方国家对于斯里兰卡与垂死挣扎的猛虎组织之间发生的残酷战斗而对该国感到不胜其扰时,中国却开始介入。Last year, as Western nations harried Sri Lanka over the conduct of its brutal last-ditch battle with Tamil Tiger rebels, China moved in.

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又过了一些年,第二棵树每天只不过是在一条普通的小河里航行,在它的甲板上堆满了翻来覆去垂死挣扎的鱼。Years went by and the second tre found himself daily sailing the waters of an ordinary lake. Net loads of fish flipped and flopped on his deck.

在经历了一年半垂死挣扎的生活后,在漫长的等待和艰辛的付出后,终于在2005年的秋天,我返回了十七中中学。It took me a long time and a lot of hard work but I finally returned to the Middle school of No. 17 in the fall of2005- a year and a half after almost dying.

清政府的最后十年,是其作为一个统治实体进行垂死挣扎最为激烈的十年,这尤其表现在轰轰烈烈的宪政改革运动中。As a governing entity, the Qing government was running in difficult in its last ten years, which was specially showed in the process of constitutional reform.