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压缩封口后平整,挺括之特点。With characteristics of neatrecovering after compressing the sealing.

采用整烫方式尽量保证衣服各部位平整,顺直,挺括,对称。The different part of garment must be no crease, smooth after ironing.

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压缩封口后平整,挺括之特点。With characteristics of neat and recovering after compressing the sealing.

麻含量对织物散湿性能及挺括、平整性能的影响较大。The fabrics with hemp are good in wet dissipation, stiffness and smoothness.

面料用了衬布更加挺括并有利于衣服的成型。However, if you prefer even softer shaping, cut all woven interfacing pieces on the bias.

“佛斯特”先生今年51岁,他挺括的胸部让人觉得他必须侧身才能通过这个小门。Mr. Foster, 51, is a man whose chest gives the impression that he has to go through doors sideways.

半透明纸通常比不含木浆的非涂料纸更坚硬、更挺括。Translucent paper is usually better than does not contain non-coated paper pulp harder and more square.

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如果没有随身携带布料可要求用“真实”的面料而非店家备好的上过浆的挺括材料对机器进行测试。If you do not have fabric pieces, ask to test sew on real fabric, not the stiff demo cloth that most sales reps use.

因为工装面料不需要特别艳丽明快的色调,也不需要特别挺括的外观。Because the tooling fabric does not need any special bright bright tone, nor does it require special neat appearance.

没有必担忧衬衣能否挺括,或者许背手能否无力了,假如你想给将来的老板容留好记忆,就戴一副镜子吧。Never mind a crisp shirt or a firm handshake. If you want to impress a potential employer, put on a pair of spectacles.

我的平均寿命是18个月,在此期间我从一张挺括的纸币变成一张软绵绵的边也坏了,角也折了的破票子。My average life is 18 months, during which I change from a crisp bill to a limp rag with broken edges and turned corners.

舒适颜色搭配,纯正绚丽,防污材料给人平整无隙挺括顺滑柔和之感,健康舒适。It matched with comfortable colors. The anti-pollution material makes you he soft and silky feeling, healthy and comfortable.

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舒适颜色搭配,纯正绚丽,防污材料给人平整无隙挺括顺滑柔和之感,健康舒适。It matched withcomfortable colors. The anti-pollution material makes you have soft and silky feeling, healthy and comfortable.

磨毛面料以风格效果好,挺括不易皱、手感软而糯,布价又实惠等长处赢得了市场。Effect of sanded fabric style is good, neat wrinkle easily, feel soft and waxy, price and affordable strength to win the market.

工艺精湛,染整一流,使其具有手感柔软、悬垂感强、挺括不皱等长处博得现代人的青睐。Superb, dyeing and finishing, and make it soft, strong sense of pendant, neat not wrinkle strengths, such as winning modern people of all ages.

服装高档化的趋势,为衬衫料的开发带来了广阔前景。舒适、挺括、细洁、美观是衬衫料的开发趋向。The prevalence of top-quality garment offers promising prospects for developing shirtings, which are characterized by comfort, stiffness, and smartness.

采用针织涤纶缝制的旗袍,则具有挺括、平整、光滑、端庄之感,且价格适宜。Uses Chinese dress which the knitting polyester fiber sews, then has straightens out, smoothly, is smooth, the solemn feeling, also the price is suitable.

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苎麻织物具有粗犷挺括、凉爽透气、抗菌保健等优点,其优越性与独特风格是其他纤维所无法比拟的。The ramie fabric is straight, rough, cool, breathable, anti-bacterial, hygienically, etc. , and its advantages and unique style is unmatched by other fibers.

该设备最大可输出40吨的拉伸力,适用于重量较大的粗线鱼网网片,经其处置惩罚过的鱼网,网片整齐平整,网眼匀称挺括。The maximum output of 40 tons of equipment, the tensile force applied to the weight of large thellock fishellong net mesh, with its treated nets, mesh neatly smooth, crisp uniform mesh.

制作和服的面料有棉布、真丝、化纤和混纺等,现代和服以化纤面料居多,它挺括、舒展、不起皱、颜色艳丽。The fabrics are cotton production and services, silk, and blended fiber, chemical fiber fabrics with most modern services, it rough style which is unique, inspiring no wrinkling, and sharp.