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她对媒体非常有用,双方都在大做文章。She's quite useful to the media.

只是点风吹草动,你怎么就大做文章?Why do you always make a fuss over a trivial things?

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它创造了一个大做文章,大惊小怪坚持到今天。It created a big fuss and the fuss persists to this day.

几家街头小报抓住这些私下闲话大做文章。A few tabloid newspapers got hold of this under-the-table gossip.

针对意识形态的不同来大做文章是不明智的。It is unwise to foster a confrontation over ideological differences.

大型咨询公司同样在与数据相关的实践上大做文章。Big consulting companies are also ramping up their data-related practices.

在媒体的推波助澜下,华尔街也喜欢在小事上大做文章。Wall Street, with the help of the media, also likes create meaning where none exists.

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以下是如何检查与大做文章的马斯和最少的在你的轮胎压力。Here's how to check the pressure in your tires with the least amount of muss and fuss.

如果俄罗斯想让事态恶化,这笔债务完全可拿来大做文章。If the Russians wanted to aggravate matters, this debt could become an explosive issue.

共和党人在联邦政府官员的廉洁问题上大做文章。The Republicans made a great whoop and a hollar about the honesty of federal employees.

鲜花、巧克力这些自不必说,甚至在内衣和新潮礼品上也大做文章。Flowers, chocolates these Needless to say, even underwear and trendy gifts also make a big fuss.

是有些人对90后有歧视,故意大做文章吧?There are some people discriminating the childern born after 1990s to make small to big purposely.

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无论妳是花生酱制造商还是雪靴进口商,人们都会在妳的产品上大做文章!Whether you're a peanut-butter manufacturer or a snow-boot importer, people are nuts for your products!

不久后,我们撞见了我的理疗医师,我认为她打算对此大做文章。Shortly afterwards, we bumped into my physiotherapist, and I thought she was going to do a citizen's arrest on me.

公子们则力图摆脱名不副实的困境,王尔德抓住这个荒谬的冲突正好大做文章。Son who is trying to get rid of the plight of unworthy of the name, Wilde seize this absurd conflict just a big issue.

也正因为如此,许多国外强势品牌都在千方百计围绕中国农村市场大做文章。This may account for some of the well-established international brands racking their brains over China’s rural market.

白宫方面自然要借此大做文章,以一次里根式的自我辩护,向所有人昭示,这是自1984年以来失业率的最大降幅。The White House, doubtless expecting a Reagan-like vindication, noted that this was the biggest four-month drop since 1984.

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随后,这位律师围绕其中一台吊车的型号名称大做文章,并辩解说,在中国,吊车的型号名称是不同的,这点与日本并不一样。Then Hang launches into a debate over the model name of one of the cranes, which is different in China than it is in Japan.

布什时代已经结束后,民主党抓住共和党的权力真空大做文章,要证明这个亚伯拉罕・林肯的“老大党”剩下的只有昔日的躯壳而已,且掌握在为数不多的右翼群体手中,不希望独立党派和中间人士倒向他们。Democrats are taking advantage of a power void within the Republican Party now that George W. Bush has passed from the scene.

最后,骗子可能会在别人怎么看待他们上面大做文章,比如,表现得非常友好,穿戴整洁等等。Finally, the liar may work hard to manage how others perceive them, for example by being friendly, dressing tidily and so on.