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有句谚语,“知己知彼”就是这个道理吧。The old adage 'know you enemy' is an appropriate analogy here.

兩人为相差二十二岁之表兄弟,情真意切,知己知彼。Su and Wen are cousins with an age difference of twenty-two years.

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知己知彼是合作的重要前提。Knowing oneself and each other is an important prerequisite for cooperation.

了解对手的特点、长处,在比赛时就会有所侧重——所谓知己知彼、百战不殆者也。Know what your competitors' strengths are so you will have some race awareness.

他最后又说,如果不能知己知彼,这种信心会让我害怕。If you don't know yourself and know your opponent, then this kind of confidence scares me.'

我们现在是知己知彼,不过最重要的是我们清楚我们能做到什么。We know our strength and we know how good Inter are, but above all, we know what we can do.

还要考虑到这一点,“维埃拉问题”仍悬而未决。不过有一点是肯定的,两个法国人可谓知己知彼。With that in mind, the question of whether a man of Vieira's stature would be present is moot.

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想做到“知己知彼”并不总是那么容易的,但是我们能够提供一些工具来帮助你完成任务。Getting to know the "who is who" is not always easy, but we have some tools to help you on this task.

打麻将正和作战相同,知己知彼,方是良策,所以得看清局势。Playing mahjong is fighting the same enemy and know yourself, is a good way, so have to see the situation.

知己知彼的原则。坚决不打无准备、无把握和情况不明的被动仗。Know thyself principles. Determined not to fight unprepared, uncertain and unclear circumstances passive battle.

知己知彼,百战百胜,只有这样,我们才能真正有效地打好“消灭”肥胖的战斗——也许我们还能避免一场无谓的战争。Only then can we really know how to effectively wage the war on obesity — or if such a war even needs to be waged.

正所谓知己知彼百战百胜,在考试前就已领会了,想不得高分都难啊。What is called the mutant ever victorious, before examination has grasped, it will be difficult not to get high score.

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在谈判中知己知彼是最重要的。否则你只会在人前出丑,输得一败涂地。The big thing in negotiation is try and figure out your opponent. Otherwise, you're going to look like an idiot and lose big.

最重要的是知己知彼,否则就会在人面前出丑,一败涂地。The big thing in negotiation is to try and figure out your opponent. Otherwise, you're going to look like an idiot and lose big.

只有通过学习国外的先进管理经验,取长补短,知己知彼百战百胜,才能应付全球性一体化的挑战。Only through learning advanced foreign management experience from the enemy, ever victorious, to cope with the challenge of global integration.

首先要做好受众调查,了解清楚受众的习俗、礼仪,产品使用偏好等等信息,在广告投放前做到知己知彼。First, to master the ritual, custom and products prefer of correspondent customers, enterprises should do research on audience before advertising.

在你加入一个新公司之前,知己知彼总是非常有帮助的。Information about a perspective employer before you interview. Before you join a new company, it's often helpful to know what you are getting yourself into.

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知己知彼方可百战不殆,要更好地防治木马,首先要深入了解木马程式的工作原理和使用方法。A better protection against Trojan horses requires a thorough understanding of the work principles of the Trojan horse program and methods of its application.

如果可能的话,重温一下往年的考查题目并重新命题你之前解答过的问题。这是很多老师在综合考试出题时的策略。像老师一样思考如何测试考生,你才可以真正做到知己知彼,百战百胜。If possible, goback over old tests and re-word the questions you've answered before. This is how many teachers come up with questions for a comprehensive exam.

虽然个人的条件及能力才是决定性因素,但是知己知彼才能百战百胜,事先有越多的准备,临阵必定有最佳的表现。Although individual conditions and capacity is the decisive factor, but in which the enemy can advance and the more prepared definitely got the best performance.