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就是在那些年头我干得也挺不错。I did pretty well, even in those days.

他来中国已经5个年头了。It's five years since he came to China.

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一些年头,非葡萄酒酿造会更有趣。Some years Non-Vintage can be more fun.

我觉得这年头流行音乐太多了。I think pop music is too cheezy nowadays.

建设周期跨越十个年头。The construction period lasted ten years.

这年头,单元测试能代表一切。These days, a unit test can mean anything.

您返回家乡已经有半个年头了,我十分想念您。You returned to your home half a year ago.

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这年头谁还只有一个电子邮箱地址呢?Who has only one e-mail address these days?

我大病不死已经超过了40多个年头。I have survived over 40 years of ill health.

⊙、现在这年头,只有不伤手的立白。Now this year, not only hurt the hand stand.

这年头,各色骗子太多了。In these years, there were too many scammers.

他干这一行有年头了。He has been doing this sort of work for years.

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这年头,可不兴种族歧视!This year, but outmoded racial discrimination!

这一年,又是供奉童男童女的年头了。This year, it is enshrined virgin of the year.

撒母耳膏立大卫到大卫作王,历经了多少个年头?How long was it since Samuel had anointed David?

富兰克林陪伴我已有约18个年头。I have had Franklin in my life for about 18 years.

卡普空了游戏的移植到PC一个好年头。Capcom had a good year for porting games to the PC.

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那年头不容许对宗教信仰持异议。In those days, religious dissent was not tolerated.

这年头,鸡正开始显得像人们理想的崇物了。Chickens were beginning to sound like the ideal pet.

乔布斯的坏脾气年头已经不小。Mr Jobs has shared his spleen around over the years.