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其实是有超过僧多粥少。There actually is more than enough to go around.

就像每次泡沫一样,现在是僧多粥少。Like every bubble, this is a game of musical chairs.

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人口13亿的中国,在就业方面可谓僧多粥少。With a population of 1.3 billion, China has far more people than jobs to be filled.

更可怕的是,由于僧多粥少,现在工资已经降到每小时6.5欧元。Even more frightening, because demand exceeds supply, and now wage has fallen to 6.5 euros per hour.

Goldberg承认,联邦政府僧多粥少,需要资金的公司众多,而可以拿到的资金却不足。At the federal level, there is limited cash available and many businesses asking, Goldberg acknowledged.

在僧多粥少的环境下,势必再出现另一波失业潮。When the demand outnumbers the supply in the job market, there will come another high tide of unemployment.

市场经济条件下,制卡和会员卡制作活源呈现僧多粥少的状况。In a market economy, the cards and membership cards to make live source rendering of unskilled jobs available.

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工作岗位可能会有所增加,但是僧多粥少,大量20多岁的大学毕业仍在苦苦等待机遇。Jobs might be opening up, but far too many 20-some things with college degrees are still waiting in line for their big break.

有些地区的贫困学生比例较高,所以出现了僧多粥少的现象。Some areas of the country have higher percentages of poor students, meaning each one sharing the pot gets less, explained Ms. Shen.

然而如今,这些领域的利润和创新正受到金融改革和“僧多粥少”局面的压制,尤其是受到监管的银行,情况更是如此。These days, however, profit and innovation in those fields is being undercut by financial reform and overcapacity, particularly at regulated banks.

我最近看到一条新闻,据说现在大学里僧多粥少,所以很多向上学的人都会落选。I recently saw a news report that said that these days colleges have many more applicants than they have spaces, and that many would-be students were being turned away.

她的要求择偶要求触到了中国淫民敏感的神经,在这个狼多肉少,僧多粥少的“多男人”时代。Her demands touched a nerve in China, where men outnumber women and competition for wives is steep. Feng started appearing on billboards and on a reality show with two actors posing as her boyfriends.