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我们从一家美国报纸上获悉此事。We learned the matter from an American paper.

十分高兴获悉你得到了尼尔逊奖学金。I'm so glad to hear of your scholarship to Nelson.

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从你方。月。日函惊讶地获悉。We are surprised to learn from your letter of. that.

昨天获悉我已经通过了英语六级考试。I got the news yesterday that I had passed CET6 test.

获悉上帝从未放弃过你难道不令你感到愉快么?Isn't it good news to know that God never gives up on you?

接着,杰尼索夫又讲述了他所获悉的法国部队的所有情况。Then he told him all he knew of the position of the French.

她获悉母亲得急病后感到心神不安。She was disturbed to hear about her mother's sudden illness.

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两个星期后,我获悉她跟一个男人回到了他的公寓。Two weeks later, I learned, she went with a man to his flat.

我们获悉他们就当前的危机展开了深入的讨论。We're told the two had in-depth discussions about the crisis.

这也会帮助获悉和形成在这一领域的公共政策。It will also help inform and shape public policy in this field.

在未获悉详情之前我得从缓作出决定。I shall postpone making a decision till I learn full particulars.

获悉贵公司招聘评估师一名,特传真一份我的简历。In response to your ad for an estimator, I am faxing you my resume.

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我们依凭报纸获悉所发生的事情。We depend on the newspapers for information about what is happening.

大家昨天从离任主席那里获悉了这一战略。You heard about this strategy yesterday from the outgoing President.

我在今天的报纸上获悉我们亲爱的总理死于癌症的消息。I read that our dear premier had died of cancer in today's newspaper.

杨广获悉消息后紧急把事情告诉给了父皇。YangGuang learn news emergency to leave things to the father emperor.

获悉杀人凶手就在我们附近,让人不寒而栗。It was spine-chilling to learn that a murderer was in our neighborhood.

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奥斯特罗姆今天表示,获悉自己得到诺贝尔经济学奖是一个“天大的惊喜”。Ostrom said it was "an immense surprise" to learn of her success today.

李君获悉之后百感交集,没有再责怪黎璃当年玩失踪。Li Jun learned after mixed feelings, no blame li play glass was missing.

这是记者昨日从省质监局获悉的。This is the news yesterday from the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau.