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时辰还未到吗?Isthe time not come yet?

这议案是在甚么时辰被提出会商的?When was the bill called up?

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你来的恰是时辰。Youve come at the right time.

我们要到鲍勃来的时辰才起头。We won't start until Bob comes.

事实啥子时辰才能看到岸的彼方?。When will I. can see the shore?

你到底要等到那个时辰才真的会去作?When are you going to actually do it?

此刻我拥有大地。施展巫术的时辰。Now I own the earth The witching hour.

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有时辰。争持信仰是很困难的。It is sometimes hard to keep the faith.

你现在站在黄金时辰的绝顶。Now stand you on the top of happy hours.

这幢房子是什么时辰征战朱之文?。When was being the house estbellylished?

多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰How many loved your monments of glad grace

这都产生在她还只是个小姑娘的时辰。This was when she was still a little girl.

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几个时辰过后阳光便要升起。A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise.

排队守候的时辰我能觉出自己在出汗。And I could feel myself sweating in queues.

我喜好在他弹吉他的时辰,就如许谛视着他。I like to stare at him when he play guitar.

我觉得时辰钟是人生的最好的象征了。I think the clock is most symbolic of life.

我但愿我在20岁的时辰就能读至此书。I wish Ihad read thellos book when Iwas 20.

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他没有告诉我啥子时辰我们能再晤面。He didn't tell me when we should meet again.

她在21岁的时辰和一个漂亮的女孩结婚了。He married a beautiful girl at the age of 21.

当我海华丝一个小孩子的时辰,我就瞥绶学英语了。I started to learn English when I was a child.