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我们面临着实实在在的威胁。We face real threats.

重新组织自己面临的状况。Reframe the situation.

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我们面临许多问题。We got problems galore.

他面临一个强有力的敌手He had a worthy opponent.

现在两者均面临威胁。Both are now under threat.

他将面临什麽刑责?。What charges will he face?

您面临的问题是什么?What problems do you face?

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现在,米奇尔面临着一个问题。Now Mitscher had a problem.

您正面临怎样的障碍?What obstacles do you face?

米莉正面临驱逐出境。Milly is facing deportation.

正面临着毁灭的威胁。Ruin now stares in the face.

这使我们面临着破产的局面。It's a bankrupting situation.

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但现在很多种米诺鱼都面临濒危。And a lot of them are at risk.

唤醒我面临这么个世界?Awake me to a world like this?

也有许多人都面临着这样的进退两难的处境。Many people face this dilemma.

它将面临着大批难民的涌入。It faces an influx of refugees.

是党所面临的新的课题。It is a new lesson for the CCP.

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她面临着两宗偷窃罪。She faces two charges of theft.

他们面临巨大的障碍They faced tremendous barriers.

但是这种药物面临许多障碍。But the drug faces many hurdles.