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在线条的表达上简洁清丽,感觉直接。Expression in lines Qingli simple, direct feeling.

他的艺术格调清丽简约,雅俗之间,充满诗情画意。His artistic style is elegant and simple, full of poetic charm.

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竹花很美,是那种清丽脱俗的美。Bamboo flower is beautiful, is the kind of Qingli refined beauty.

她的文章清丽典雅,比其他记者高出一筹。Her clear and elegant writing sets her apart from other journalists.

色彩清丽、做工精细、质量稳定、价格适中”的独特风格!Color Qingli, fine workmanship, quality and affordable" unique style!"

陈风格之清丽,也或多或少地留下了学苏的痕迹。The brisk style of Chen Yu-yi more or less shows that he learns to So Shi.

容或妖艳,容或清丽,欣然接受生命真情的彩妆。Be it rich, be it plain, gladly accept the true colors of life with delight.

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设色匀净清丽,于青绿中间以赭色,富有变化和装饰性。Coloring is plain, even in green among with ochre, rich change and adornment sex.

是啊,星星就在那儿,一开始还很黯淡,随后就在这清丽的沙漠天空上闪闪发光。Yes, the stars were there, faint at first, but brightening in the clear desert sky.

商务楼拥有客房94间,装修风格清丽活泼,是长住、休闲的理想场所。Office has 94 rooms, decorated Qingli lively, long live, an ideal place for leisure.

倘若一生是一首含义深刻的诗篇,那么大学生活一定是那最为清丽的语句。If life were a meaningful poem, college life would be one of the most beautiful words.

喜欢芦苇,喜欢它在水中清丽的倒影,使水也更美了。I like reed, like her charming inverted image in water, makes the water more beautiful.

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无邪又纵欲,纯真又弥贵,清丽并让人无比钟爱。No evil and sex, pure, beautiful and expensive and micah lets a person clinking endearment.

关于冰心作品的文体一般读者已经有了一个模式化的记忆,即“典雅清丽”。"Elegance and exquisiteness" has been an impression of readers for Bing Xin s writing style.

悄立其后的是海棠花,红肥绿瘦,雨后清丽。Crab apple flowers stand besides Yulan flowers shyly, red plumb and green thin, cute after rain.

并逐渐舍弃她的柔细清丽,转向苍劲朴茂的现实主义写作风格。Finally, Bingxin had gradually bettered her writing style from being soft to simple and convincing.

你像一片轻柔的云在我眼前飘来飘去,你清丽秀雅的脸上荡漾着春天般美丽的笑容。You like a soft cloud piaoqu floated in front of me, you Qingli Su-face waves spring beautiful smile.

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清丽的诗句在春雨的滋润下就像浮动的草香一样耐人寻味,沁人心脾。Qingli of verse in the spring rain the moisture like floating grass incense as intriguing, refreshing.

本文即就韦诗的主体风格“清丽”和“沉郁”作一研究。The topic of this thesis to study is just main styles of Wei Zhuang's poems, namely"fresh"and"gloomy".

与唐代相比,宋代女子的服饰显得较为淡雅清丽。Compared to those of the Tang Dynasty, women's fashion in the Song Dynasty is simpler and unsophisticated.