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做一道热巧克力糕当饭后甜品Make warm chocolate cake for dessert.

将一包雅妍即食银耳润颜甜品倒入杯中。Pour the sachet's content into a cup.

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尝试无糖口香糖的甜品。Try sugar-free chewing gum for dessert.

西米,芒果,芒果冰淇淋和柚子做的甜品。Sago, mango, mango ice cream and pomelo dessert.

现在是甜思思香港甜品时间。It's dessert time at Tia Si Si Hong Kong Delicious.

适合和蛋糕、甜品及各式糕点搭配。It goes well with cakes, desserts or dry patisserie.

您要丹麦甜品、法式牛角面包或土司?。Would you like Danish pastries , croissant or toast?

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假如喜欢甜品可以吃焦糖菠萝圈。If like, sweetmeats can have caramel pineapple group.

此酒适合搭配沙拉、鱼及甜品。A great wine to go with summer salads, fish, desserts.

你想吃什么样的甜品?我想吃芒果布丁。What kind of dessert would you like? I'd like mango puddings.

草莓和奶油是经典的温布顿甜品。Strawberries and cream are the quintessential Wimbledon treat.

而且,低热量、不含蔗糖的甜品,吃后不会令体重激增。Sugar- free low calorie desserts will keep you fit and healthy.

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一杯冻柠檬汁。这是我非常喜欢的一种麻瓜的甜品。A lemon drop. They're a kind of Muggle sweet I'm rather fond of.

她是个十足的吃货,她喜欢海鲜,意面,甜品等等。She's a real foodie, she likes seafood, pasta, dessert and so on.

年轻的人们习惯在生活的都市中寻找醇香奶茶、爽口鲜果甜品的踪迹。The young people habit in urban in search for tea, sweetmeats trace.

适饮温度4-6℃,配以巧克力或甜品享用,可作开胃酒。Serve at 4-6℃. Ideal with chocolate, dessert. Perfect as an aperitif.

所以,甜品天生就有一种难以抗拒的魔力。So, sweetmeats has a kind of magic power that defies hard inherently.

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可以作为开胃酒,也可以与海鲜或甜品搭配。As an aperitif, mussels marinieres, crab cocktail, seafood, or dessert.

请给我一客牛腰肉排。你们有什么特色甜品?I'll have the sirloin steak. What special kind of desserts do you have?

竹燕窝与正品燕窝食用的烹调方法基本相同,可以做扒菜、甜品、炖汤等。As for the cooking method, it is the same as any other bird's nest food.