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显而易见的差别是,1971年美国采用固定汇率制度。The obvious difference is that in 1971 America was locked into a system of fixed parities.

每股收益达24.0便士,上升了3个百分点,按固定汇率计算,增长11个百分点。Earnings per share came in at 24.0 pence, up 3 pct, or 11 pct higher in constant currencies.

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内容提要自2005年7月起,我国放弃人民币对美元的固定汇率制度转而盯住一篮子货币,并对美元升值。In 2005, China abated its fixed exchange rate against the U. S. dollar and began to revaluate.

更好的是放弃与美元的固定汇率也为中国的利率政策松了绑。Even better, abandoning the fixed tie with the dollar has liberated China’s interest-rate policy.

另外在固定汇率的官方干预的状况下国防所示图3.2b。Another case of official intervention in defense of a fixed exchange rate is shown in Figure 3.2B.

直到2003年下半年,国际上才出现了对中国固定汇率政策的抱怨声。There were no international complaints about China’s fixed-exchange rate policy until the second half of 2003.

如果固定汇率机制令一个国家陷入收支失衡的危机,那么IMF会出手相救,使其货币避免贬值。If a country's fixed exchange rate led it into a balance of payments crisis, the IMF would bail it out and so avert devaluation.

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为解决这个问题,可以通过双边或多边协商,发行一种固定汇率债券。To solve this problem, a kind of treasury bond of fixed exchange rate could be issued through bilateral or multi-lateral negotiations.

这两名作者强调最多的一点是顺差国家在固定汇率体制下能够发挥的作用。Messrs Eichengreen and Temin argue that both deficit and surplus countries are equally responsible for making exchange-rate systems work.

我们应逐步准备好实行由多个储备货币和其他与各种固定汇率挂钩货币构成的国际金融系统。Over time, we need to prepare for an international finance system with multiple reserve currencies, with others connected by various pegs.

但是两国吵吵闹闹的争执淹没在中国浅论固定汇率人民币的有趣讨论中。But the noisy dispute between the two countries is drowning out an interesting debate within China on the virtues of its inflexible currency.

其一,维持固定汇率制度的要求为竟相贬值装配了一个刹车装置,为世界贸易环境带来了稳定。First, the need to maintain a fixed exchange rate puts a brake on competitive devaluations and brings stability to the world trade environment.

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究竟采用固定汇率,变动汇率还是两者的折衷方案,这种政策决定,部分地取决于一个宏观经济问题。The policy decision of whether to adopt fixed exchange rates, flexible rates, or compromises in between hinges partly on the macroeconomic issue.

弗雷德马克和范妮梅通过允许借款者采用固定汇率、并在超长偿还期内还款的方式,使得业主更轻松的供款。Fannie and Freddie also make ownership more affordable by allowing borrowers to repay loans with fixed-interest rates over an unusually long period.

发钞银行必须按7.80的固定汇率交出无息美元保证才可发行流通纸币,因此外汇。The note-issuing banks may issue currency notes only by surrendering non-interest-bearing US dollar backing at a fixed exchange rate of 7.80. Thus the.

在布雷顿森林体系下,其他国家的货币以固定汇率与美元挂钩,而美元则以固定价格与黄金挂钩。Under the Bretton Woods arrangement currencies were pegged to the dollar at fixed exchange rates. The dollar in turn was tied to gold at a fixed price.

1973年,在关于固定汇率的布雷顿森林体系崩溃以后,德国马克成为了欧洲大陆的基准货币。After the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in 1973 the Deutschmark emerged as the benchmark currency in continental Europe.

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作为一个安全阀,自由浮动和半浮动汇率制度使得汇率比较平稳地完成调整,而且固定汇率制度总体保持完好。Acting as a safety valve, flexible and semi-flexible exchange rates have enabled relatively smooth currency adjustments, and pegged rates have generally held.

1949年至今,人民币汇率制度经历了由官定汇率到市场决定,从固定汇率到有管理的浮动汇率的演变。Since 1949, Renminbi has changed from fixed rate system to managed floating rate system, from being determined by government authorities to market determination.

上世纪50和60年代,欧洲积聚了大量的美国短期国债储备用以维持固定汇率,就像今天的中国一样。During the 1950's and 1960's, Europeans amassed a huge stash of US Treasury bills in an effort to maintain fixed exchange-rate pegs, much as China has done today.