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我们来刺探杰里科城的情报。We want to spy in Jericho.

他在搜集情报。He is gathering information.

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她到处搜集情报。She groped about for information.

这个间谍用密码发送情报。The spy sent his message in code.

市场推广情报中心。Center for Marketing Intelligence.

他缠着要我提供一些情报。He dunned me for some information.

这个间谍用韩密码发送情报。Thee spy sent his message in code.

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取得一个盘的情报。Retrieve information about a Volume.

我们要把它想成是情报资料。Think about it as intelligence data.

这是一些不可对人言的情报。This is some information not to say.

褔南足球会的情报和消息…Everything about Fok Nam Soccer Club.

这情报是用无线电发送的。The message was transmitted by radio.

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司法部长也会提供情报。The Attorney General would contribute.

情报虽然很好,但却是间接的。The case was good, but circumstantial.

战略情报是第一步。Strategic intelligence is a first step.

听取有关二次转职的情报。Tell me about the second class transfer.

情报资料每个人都可以利用。The information is available to everyone.

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他侦察到了相当多的情报。He ferreted out quite a lot of information.

科技情报开发与经济。Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy.

情报没有分成几个部分。The information has not been compartmented.