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条款并未透露。Terms were not disclosed.

这些条款应归入到什么项目上?How can subsume these items?

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我们可以针对这点加上附加条款。We can add a rider for that.

条款与条件又是什么?On what terms and conditions?

请仔细阅读以下条款Read the following carefully.

此项条款必须勾掉。This item must be struck out.

该项法律条款依然有效The item of the Law has stuck.

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必须在法律和遵守服务条款。Must be legal and abide by TOS.

本合同中有一条保留条款。A clause is saved in the contract.

这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。One proviso attaches to the legacy.

这份合同有附带条款。This contract has provisory clauses.

他不会对这样的条款做出让步的。He would not succumb to such an item.

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合并协议的条款没有披露。Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

此次收购的具体条款尚未公布。Terms of the sale were not disclosed.

你们的保险条款规定了那些险种?。What do your insurance clauses cover?

须受「亚洲万里通」之条款及细则约束。Asia Miles terms and conditions apply.

我或许在/不在这些条款之中。I may or may not be among these items.

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请告知现金支付的晟优条款。Please state your best terms for cash.

偿还贷款的条款定得很宽。The repayment provisions are generous.

工人们对协议条款褒贬不一。Worker reaction to the terms was mixed.