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采用20瓦的氟灯或者可调光特等氟灯。lighting is 20 watt compact fluoros or dimmable PL fluoro.

陈大卫特等中国进出口银,陈集。Chan, David P. L. Chinese Export Silver, The Chan Collection.

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玛格丽特等不及拿到她赢得的乐透彩金。Margaret couldn't wait to lay her hands on the money she won in the lottery.

凯特-布莱维特等人编造谎言,也许可以骗人于一时,但是不会长久的。This cannot but show people how skilled Cox and others are at fabricating lies.

经过一整年的治疗,对烧灼、冷冻治疗及外敷咪�莫特等疗法皆无效。Over one year they failed to respond to cautery, cryotherapy and topical imiquimod.

我读的书都被单一的,伊丽莎白艾略特等我跟所有的意见。I read all the books on being single, Elisabeth Elliott, etc. I followed all the advice.

在余下的旅程中,我浑身不自在地坐在我的“特等座”上,觉得自己差劲透了。I sat uncomfortably in my superseat for the rest of the journey feeling like a rotten heel.

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他们占领并抢劫许多著名的城市,包括撒马尔罕、塔什干、布哈拉、赫拉特等。They captured and looted many famous cities including samarkand tashkent bokhara and herat.

他们占领并抢劫许多著名的城市,包括撒马尔罕、塔什干、布哈拉、赫拉特等。They captured and looted many famous cities, including Samarkand, tashkent, Bokhara and Herat.

常常受特邀在底特律地区布劳德斯书店及安阿伯和菲林特等地演出。Featured regularly at all Borders Bookstores in the Detroit area as well as Ann Arbor and Flint.

凯特-布莱维特等人编造谎言,也许可以骗人于一时,但是不会长久的。Blewett and others may fabricate lies to cheat some people for sometime, but not for a long time.

瓦尔特等了片刻说,组织母校活动的是一对夫妇,他们制作了一部在HBO热播的电视剧。Walter waited a moment and then said that the hosts were a couple who produced a popular HBO show.

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斯帕克斯和班克罗夫特等历史学者,歌颂的是美国民主的发展。Historians like Jared Sparks and George Bancroft were celebrating the growth of American democracy.

国内大量翻译的著作,都是约翰·希克、潘尼卡、库比特等神学家的著作。Large quantities of translated works, are John Hick, Panikkar, Cupitt and other works of theologians.

世界上规模最大,最新的游轮设有2700间特等客舱,其中包括28间超现代的阁楼套房。The world's largest and newest cruise ship has 2, 700 staterooms, including 28-ultra-modern loft suites.

这一研究是与美国的克莱特曼和第门特等合作进行的。This research was carried out in collaboration with Kleitman and Dement in the United States, among others.

新娘说她甚至自己动手做了一些超赞的手工,包括毛织玩偶多比和诺伯特等角色。The bride said she even did a great deal herself, including needle-felting characters like Dobby and Norbert.

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价值型管理是一种被世界先进企业,如美国电话电报公司、百事可乐公司、联合碳素、非亚特等广泛应用的管理模式。VBM is world-widely used by many advanced companies, such as AT&T, Pepsi Cola, United Carbon, FIAT, and so on.

然而,佩雷特等人坚持认为最具魅力的面部结构并非一样。On the other hand Perrett et al. have insisted that highly attractive facial configurations are not an average.

这是凯特-布莱维特等人在广东省肇庆市端州区福利院拍摄的。The shots were taken by Blewett and others at Duanzhou District Welfare Home, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province.