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这些问题其实暗藏玄机。Here's the gimmick.

耐莉是我们暗藏的敌人。Nelly is my hidden enemy.

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甚至他的身体里也暗藏玄机。Even his body kept its secrets.

在眼花缭乱的表象之中往往暗藏何种杀机?In the dazzling image of what is often hidden murderous?

皆奏一枫曲,蔚蓝的天空背后暗藏的秘密。Are playing a song, the blue sky behind the hidden secrets.

这对出版商来说是个好消息,但这里面也暗藏着一个问题。That is the good news for publishers, but there is a catch.

我这么求全责备,完全是暗藏嫉妒之心。I so jellyfish, are completely hidden blame the heart of jealousy.

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“责任理性”是暗藏于韦伯命题中的一个核心观念。"Liability reason" is a core concept hidden in Weber's proposition.

从暗藏的鸟窝里飞出的这些鸟儿使寂静的黑夜显得害怕。These birds from their secret haunts affright the quiet of the night.

蒙娜丽莎微笑让人迷恋,蒙娜丽莎双眼暗藏玄机。People obsessed with Mona Lisa smile, the Mona Lisa eyes hidden mystery.

他们对我的爱有的表露于面前,有的暗藏在心间。They told me some love revealed in the face of some hidden between heart.

没有暗藏机关,不用有害的肌肉麻痹剂,无有毒化学。There are no gimmicks , no harmful muscle relaxers, no hazardous chemicals.

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又锯掉了几层钢板之后,一个暗藏的玄机终于显露。After they cut through more layers of steel, a hidden trap finally appeared.

它吸满了暗藏于表面之下的紧张、裂痕和浪涌。It soaks up the tensions and flaws and currents that pull under the surface.

她射杀了一个疑心的工人,然后从一个暗藏的保险柜拿出了一台手提电脑。She shoots a suspicious worker, and then removes a laptop from a hidden safe.

我竟然没有看出来他的身体里居然就暗藏着迪亚波罗!How could I not have seen that he carried within him the very being of Diablo?

的主要特征,默里布莱恩是,在很多方面,一个暗藏菲茨杰拉德。The main character, Amory Blaine, is, in many ways, a thinly veiled Fitzgerald.

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在冥思苦想中渡过的彻底隐逸暗藏着危险。There is a dangerous side to excessive solitude spent in efforts at meditation.

他曾提出”信用卡权利法案“要求公开暗藏的信用成本。Announced a "credit card bill of rights" to provide disclosure of hidden credit costs.

然而飘红,除了代表火热高涨之外,还或多或少地暗藏着危机警戒。However the red means upswing fiery, also it means the crisis to admonish more or less.