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胫骨、腓骨和大腿骨在哪儿?Where are your tibia, fibula, and femur?

接下来是腓骨,我的课本这样说。The fibula is next, according to my text.

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结论第三腓骨肌可以移植。Conclusion The third peroneus flap can be grafted.

我们通常使用两个或三个管状腓骨移植物。We normally use double- or triple-barrel fibula grafts.

他打球的时候摔了一跤,腓骨骨折了。He stumbled when playing on the field and injured his fibula.

矫正切骨术-肱骨,尺骨,桡骨,股骨,胫骨或腓骨。Corrective osteotomy of humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia or fibula.

它的胫骨很结实,而它的腓骨则要比大部分的爬行动物更加弯曲。Its tibias were stouter and fibulas more bent than those of most reptiles.

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腓动脉至腓骨远段的分支为弓形动脉。Peroneal artery to posterior surface of distal segment fibula was arcuate.

恢复腓骨的长度对防止距骨移位与倾斜十分重要。Restoration of the fibular length was important to prevent talar shift and tilt.

腓动脉至腓骨下段的分支为弓形动脉。The branches from the peroneal artery to the distal fibula are arcuate arteries.

取穴时屈膝垂足,在腓骨小头前下方凹陷中。Below the pedal, and find out when the knees in front of the fibula capitulum sag.

结论畸形复发是由于腓骨肌持续无力造成的。Conclusion Deformity recurrence results from persistent asthenia of fibular muscles.

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据我所知,他踝关节附近的腓骨需要进一步的检查。It is the fibula in the ankle that has to be checked, that is what I have been told.

目的探索扩大吻合血管腓骨移植修复骨缺损的范围。Objective To probe the enlargement of using range of vascularized fibular transferring.

马林斯生来就没有腓骨,原本必须在轮椅上才能活动。Mullins was born without fibula bones and was expected to use a wheelchair to get around.

腓骨短斜形骨折高位,内踝骨折为横行。The short oblique fibular fracture is high and the medial malleolar fracture is transverse.

按照数字8的形态跑步,并逐渐减小8字,可以很好地增强灵敏性和腓骨肌的力量。Running in progressively smaller figures-of-8 is excellent for agility and peroneal strength.

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皮斯托留斯的小腿天生没有腓骨,双脚也有些缺陷。Pistorius was born without the fibula bone in his lower legs and with other defects in his feet.

为重建骨性缺损,我们更喜欢用腓骨作为抗压的重点。To reconstruct the osseous defect, we prefer the fibula as the emphasis is on compression strength.

当腓骨截骨处愈合后,应拔除螺丝钉,以防出现松动或断钉。After the osteotomy or fracture has healed, remove the screw to prevent its becoming loose or breaking.