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令我恶心。sickened me.

你感到恶心?You got sick?

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她让我恶心呢。She disgusts me.

你真让我恶心!You make me sick!

你感到一阵恶心。You're disgusted.

真是恶心。That's disgusting.

恶心,门洞开着。The doors are open.

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它让读者感到恶心。It disgusts readers.

他的话让我恶心。His words revolted me.

你真令我恶心!I'm disgusted with you!

一妻多夫,太恶心了。Polygamy is disgusting.

好色的老白痴。恶心。Lecherous old fool. Yuk.

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这种味道让我恶心。The smell made me retch.

这气味让她恶心。The smell made her retch.

他感到恶心并呕了。He felt nausea and vomited.

我恶心死了,呕吐。I was getting sick. Puking.

还有一点恶心。little bit disgusting also.

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事实上,提案是一种令人恶心的笑话。In fact, it was a sick joke.

对不起,这形容有点恶心。That's kind of gross. Sorry.

我一闻见肉味就恶心…The smell of meat nauseates me.