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每军种独立展开自己的战争。Each waged its own separate war.

但各军种都应设置一个大同小异的中央规划部门。Yet each uses a similar centralized-planning department.

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这些新系统的大部分现在可以跨军种通话。Many of these new systems can now talk acro service boundaries.

各军军种皆可以或许遏制各自的模拟练习。All the services and arms can conduct their own simulated training.

因为数字化技术在扩散,我们殷切希望各军种更好地相互依赖。We should expect the services to be more interdependent as digitization proliferates.

他补充说,该文件概略地陈述了该办公室应向这两个军种提供的支持。He adds that the document outlines the support that the office provides the two services.

在弗吉尼亚州的汉普顿,第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马在讲军种成员加入她的丈夫。In Hampton, Virginia, First Lady Michelle Obama joined her husband in speaking to armed service members.

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这种军种支持下的研究涉及开发一个完整的系统或诸如传感器之类特定载体。This service-supported research can involve developing an entire system or specific payloads such as a sensor.

但是,办公室的核心任务是获取、管理和支持军种使用的无人化平台。But the office's core mission is acquiring, managing and supporting the unmanned platforms used by the services.

四大军种都应有设计自己人事制度的自由,五角大楼对此干涉要降到最低。Each of the four military branches is free to design its own personnel system, with minimal Pentagon interference.

显示与最优秀的高素质军事补丁贵军的骄傲,销和来自各军种的礼物。Offer high "quality" and best supplement Dinggui June Military Pride, pins and gifts " from " all military services.

更糟糕的是,政府很少协调各军种之间甚至自身项目之间的互操作性计划。To make matters worse, government rarely coordinates interoperability plans among its services—or even within its own programs.

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这样的能力将提供在各军种之间以及同民用部门间对进近和控制的互操作性。This capability will provide interoperability between the services for approach and control as well as with civilian operations.

在过去25年中,他曾经帮助制定联盟、联合、多军种、陆军和野战炮兵条令手册。During the past 25 years, he has helped develop numerous allied, joint, multi-service, Army and Field Artillery doctrine manuals.

各军种都建有优秀的战斗训练中心,在这里举行现实可行的联合大规模、实兵演习。Each of the Services maintains excellent combat training centers where realistic joint large-scale, live-fire exercises are held.

目前,这两大军种共有约772,000名士兵,美国上一次裁军还是在1991年海湾战争之后。Currently, the two services have about 772,000 members, with the last cuts to the Army and Marines coming after the 1991 Gulf War.

报告中说,军队各军种中已发现来自已登记的53个黑帮团伙和100个地区的黑帮成员。The report says the military has seen members from 53 gangs and 100 regions in the U. S. enlist in every branch of the armed forces.

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这次部署TCS系统不仅为海军也为其他军种巩固了未来地面控制系统中的地位。This deployment solidifies TCS' position as the future ground control system not only for the U.S.Navy but also with other services.

于是,各军种都在试图改变这一切,比如在这些年来,军队会给士兵派发“暴走丸”亦或是安非他命类的兴奋药来抑制士兵睡眠。But various military branches have tried to change that over the years by distributing "go pills" or stimulants such as amphetamines.

这次部署TCS系统不仅为海军也为其他军种巩固了未来地面控制系统中的地位。This deployment solidifies TCS' position as the future ground control system not only for the U. S. Navy but also with other services.