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群众很快动员起来了。The masses mobilized quickly.

抗美援朝的胜利与政治动员密切相关。The victory of War to resist U.

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什么是政治动员呢?。What does political mobilization mean?

制动员把两节货车连接到一起。The brake man coupled two freight cars.

你不能结束动员直到战争结束。You cannot demobilize while still at war.

他正在竭力把所有的支持者动员起来。He is trying to mobilize all the supporters.

坚持加强动员主体的自身建设。Insisting on strengthening the self-building.

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监狱的警卫们被动员起来应对暴乱。The prison guards are gearing up for the riot.

动员大量的业内精英也是非常必要的。A massive mobilisation of talent will be needed.

明天学校里开动员大会,不能迟到。Tomorrow has an athletic meeting , don't be late.

为什么他们要动员反对自己的福利呢?Why would they mobilise against their own welfare?

这要动员受影响的各个社区。This requires mobilization of affected communities.

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明天学校里开动员大会,不能迟到。Don't be late. We'll have a school mobilize meeting.

他曾动员我协助出售戏票。He has roped me in to help sell the theatre tickets.

他们动员在三个星期内作出反应,他说。They mobilized a response within three weeks, he said.

如今,这个动员已经包括了整个宗教界,不仅仅是中国道教。Today, this includes religion, and not just the Taoists.

肝脏被动员并进行细致的两手触诊。The liver is mobilized and carefully palpated bimanually.

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经过动员,群众普遍地动起来了。After the mobilization meetings, the masses all got moving.

全民动员禁毒防毒创一流文明城市。Be mobilized anti-drug antivirus first-rate civilized city.

和平委员会已经全面动员部队,他说。KPC consequently has mobilized troops for defence, he said.