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你很快会有东西失而复得。Something you lost will soon turn up.

失而复得的感觉真是第一次体会到。Regained the feeling is really the first time realized.

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在这个世界上,为什么只有聋人才珍惜失而复得的听觉?In this world, why only the deaf appreciate hearing found again?

在讨论中我发现盖子失而复得.In the discussion I discovered that the lost cover was recovered.

业已失去的纯真与无知,有如梦幻泡影,再无可能失而复得。Like ignorance, lost innocence can be vanishingly hard to recover.

她以为那颗钻石已丢失,后来看见地毯上有东西闪闪发光遂失而复得。She thought the diamond was lost until she saw something glinting on the carpet.

有趣的是,这件微雕作品还有一段“失而复得”的经历。It is interesting to note that Python works there is still a "stolen" experience.

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刚迈入职场之际,时间是我们拥有的唯一一笔充裕,但永远也不会失而复得的财富。Time is the only treasure we start off with in abundance, and can never get back.

只要保持观照这个觉知失而复得的过程,并从中学习。Just keep looking at this progress of losing and regaining awareness and learn from it.

但是母亲的火从来不朝我发——我是她从军队里失而复得的女儿。My mother’s anger, though, was never targeted at me—I was her lost daughter returned from the Army.

这很奇怪!在这个真气能量的海洋里,为什么意念居然能被消耗,接着又能自动地失而复得呢?This is strange, in the energy sea, how can the thought consume, and then automatically change strongly?

当你乘上飞机回家时,局外人的偏见又开失而复得,淡然,这是因为距离产生的失真。On the plane home of course the prejudices for many outsiders start to set in again as distance kills truth.

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要是你曾经有过这种经验,你便会知道贵重的物件能够失而复得,是何等大的喜乐。If you have ever had this kind of experience, then you know the pure joy of also finding your treasure again.

劳咯哒妈妈看到失而复得哒琴弓惊喜万分,究竟这是的她在这家剧院哒首次演出。Laura's mother regained bow surprised to see, after all, this is her first time at this theater performances.

“我干了这么蠢的一件事,但是首饰的失而复得使我很高兴,”这位管理顾问吉奥亚说。"I had done such a dumb thing, and I was very happy to get the jewelry back," says Gioia, a management consultant.

若要使2007年12月以来820万工作岗位失而复得,按照每个月增长17万个岗位计算,也需要4年。To recoup the 8.2 million jobs lost since December 2007, it'll take four years of growth at 170,000 jobs per month.

若要使2007年12月以来820万工作岗位失而复得,按照每个月增长17万个岗位计算,也需要4年。To recoup the 8.2 million jobs lost since December 2007, it'll take four years of growth at 170, 000 jobs per month.

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埃德瓦•蒙克的两幅巨作于两年前在一起堪称全球最胆大妄为的艺术品盗窃案之一的案件中丢失,现已失而复得。Two Edvard Munch masterpieces stolen in one of the world's most audacious art thefts two years ago have been recovered.

看到这一部分的时候,我相信很多人都会感受得到其中的艰辛与失而复得的巨大喜悦,是的,我哭了。See this part, I do believe that many people will feel to get one of the hardships and stolen and great joys, yes, I cried.

打破熟悉的环境与日常生活,感受新的经验与视角,是失而复得的心灵体验。However, the reward is the experience of soul, breaking familiar environment and routines and feeling new experience and angles of view.