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月影烛光,夜雨轻风。Moon Shadow candlelight, night rain breeze.

轻风拂面,清爽而又温暖。A breeze touching my face felt cool yet warm.

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在微凉的轻风里,船夫清唱,小船缓缓前行。In the wind, singing boatmen, the boat slowly forward.

迎隐晦之风我猛吸气轻风荡漾心旗。As I inhale the impalpable breezes that set in upon me.

路上的树丛随着海上刮来的每一阵轻风微微摆动。The trees swayed with every light breeze off the ocean.

徐徐轻风送来阵阵清香,沁润肺腑。Sent bursts of fragrance slowly breeze, Qin Run the heart.

把呼吸想象成一股波浪、一股色彩甚至一阵轻风。Imagine your breath as a wave, a surge of color, or even a breeze.

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那一缕拂过面颊的轻风,是我对你无声的呼唤。That plume of the breeze blowing over the cheek, I call on you silent.

轻风徐徐送来蜜桃醉人的芳香,让人垂涎欲滴。Breeze slowly sent aromas of peach intoxicate, let a person be salivating.

我有一头自然的头发,轻风拂过,我的头发像柳条一样随风飘扬。I have a natural hair, the wind, my hair like wicker fluttering in the wind.

轻风沿着窗口袭来,我手上拿着的叶子在瑟缩的颤动。The breeze along the window came, I hold in my hand the leaves in the huddle.

春天是华美,花卉,凉快地轻风和洁净地水。The spring flowers and plants is luxuriant, the breeze, the cool, clean water.

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你的轻风里满载着已从人类语言中消失的古老的爱的传奇。Your breeze is laden with love-legends that have faded from all human language.

落潮时,这里则浪轻风和,水声哗哗,此起彼伏,如同仙乐。Luo Chao , and here the waves Qingfeng, acoustic Huahua, to break out, as Xianyue.

忽然,一阵轻风吹过,天空仿佛在亲吻我的前额。Suddenly there was a tremor in the air, and the sky seemed to kiss me on my forehead.

芦花在轻风中起伏,为许多躲藏在里面的绿头鸭和苍鹭提供了隐身之处。The flowers wave in the gentle wind, and provide cover for many hiding mallards and herons.

水洗的雅致,一任我的眸子跌入清澈的湖中,轻风旋过,涟漪便开出了花。Washed elegant, allow my eyes fell into clear lake, a spin off, ripples will open a flower.

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他们站在那里,站了很长一段时间,看着那只小船乘着轻风在池塘中绕行。They stood there, for a long, long time, watching how the breezes carried the boat around the pond.

罗大佑为三毛写和唱的追梦人“让轻风吹动了你的长发”每每听的我潸然泪下。Luo Sanmao write and sing for the dreamer who "let the wind blowing your hair, " I often hear tears.

不论它外表上多么庞大,多么虚张声势,一阵轻风就足以使它摇摆不定或被吹得团团转。However large and over-blown it seems to be, it still must rock and turn and whirl about with every breeze.