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我的气力没有白费。My efforts were not in vain.

但是雅俐很快就没有气力。But Ari soon went out of breath.

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花给你的房间注入气力。Flower Power your room. Ambi Pur.

头晕-感觉头昏眼花或无气力。Dizziness-feeling lightheaded or faint.

常识就是力气,气力会邪恶化。Knowledge is power, and power corrupts.

也许他用大声的谈话使失去气力他们。Perhaps he unnerves them with loud talk.

对于峙住,给我但愿,给我气力。Carry on, give me hope, give me strength.

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年轻人在气力上赛过老年人。Young people surpass old men in strength.

他耗尽全身气力爬上了山顶。He spent all his energy climbing up the hill.

气力以及自在就如同新娘以及新郎官的联合…Power and ease are united like bride and groom.

Bob用他的最后一丝气力踢向T-Bag。With his last ounce of strength, Bob kicks T-Bag.

说了谎话之后他的气力似乎衰减了。His strength seemed to fade after telling the lie.

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一个单独的固定的滑轮不能帮助节省气力。A single fixed pulley does not help to save effort.

钢琴师用了很大气力才弹奏出这个调子。The pianist pounded out the tune with great effort.

叫的正是马德兰,他刚使尽了他最后一点气力。It was Madeleine , who had just made a final effort.

当手机们还很小的时间,追本溯源的气力就开始显现了。The search for power begins when we are quite young.

我们一定得花大气力消灭毒品犯罪行为。We must do our best to stamp out the crime of drugs.

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握手时不要毫无气力,也不可用力过度。Do not shake hands with no strength, nor excessive force.

他的速度放慢了,浪费的气力也减少了。He had lost much of his speed, and he wasted less effort.

当娜含�朱古力,竟然慢慢有了气力,在萧雅的搀扶下坐了起来。Soon Donna recovered, and sat up with the help of Xiao Ya.