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不要畏惧退缩。Don't flinch.

她丝毫没有一点退缩躲让。She does not flinch.

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从未退缩此甚。And never winced before.

巴比里一点也没有退缩。Barbieri never flinched.

我甚至没法退缩。I couldn't even flinch away.

她颤抖着退缩了。She recoiled with a shudder.

我退缩了,但只是开开玩笑而已。I flinched , but only in play.

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奥巴马到目前为止都没有退缩。Mr Obama has not flinched so far.

银行家们会退缩不前,害怕放贷。Bankers will cower, afraid to lend.

危险到来时没有人退缩不前。When danger came, no one held back.

他在最后一分钟退缩了。He chickened out at the last minute.

她见到蛇就退缩不前。She cowered at the sight of a snake.

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那条不听话的狗退缩到角落里。The naughty dog cowered in a corner.

狗看见我的手杖就退缩了。The dog cringed when it saw my stick.

因突遭一击而退缩隐忍。Thy sovranty , recoiling with a blow.

出现危险时,没有一个人退缩不前。When danger appeared, no one held back.

那条不听话的狗退缩到角落里。The dog cowered when its master beat it.

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人类除了退缩之外还能做什麽呢?What can humankind do, other than cower?

弗洛伊德退缩,而且理由充份。He recoils from it. And with good reason.

很长时间以来,怕失败的恐惧让我在生活中退缩不前。For too long, fear of failure held me back.