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你都可以直接呈报大队长。You can direct report to the senior colonel.

食物中毒是一个须呈报的疾病,在英国。Food poisoning is a notifiable disease in the UK.

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越南已呈报了93例,死亡人数为42人。Vietnam has reported 93 of those, with 42 deaths.

我们希望于九月底能将计画书呈报教育部。We hope to present a plan to the MOE by the end of September.

五月份,杆菌痢疾的呈报个案有5宗。In may , the number of notifications of bacillary dysentery was 5

这份报告已呈报委员会审批。The report was submitted to the commission for its consideration.

学校在甚麽情况下需要向生署呈报传染病的爆发?。Under what conditions to notify DH of infectious disease outbreak?

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申请者向公司呈报有关证明文件与经营计划书。Applicators should submitted the operation plan and related certificates.

猪链球菌感染于二零零五年八月二日列为须呈报的传染病。Streptococcus suis Infection has been made notifiable since 2 August 2005.

由一九九八年至二零零七年,总呈报吸食毒品成年人士个案续年减少。From 1998 to 2007, the number of reported adult drug users declined slowly.

默乃劳向我们呈报,说你们愿意回乡,从事己业。Menelaus has told us that you wish to return to your homes and occupations.

自发呈报法是各国进行药物不良反应监测最常用的方式。Spontanous reporting system is the most commonly used method in each country.

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其还表示,"据我所知,他们将在未来几日呈报相关信息."As I understand it, they will present information on the matter in the coming days.

第六章节向您展示了如何呈报关于提供业务模型的最终报表。Lesson six shows you how to render the final report on the catering business model.

拉夏贝尔在合并层面的功能和呈报货币是人民币。The functional and presentation currency of La Chapelle at consolidation level is RMB.

这是迄今为止呈报参议院审议的最具雄心的一份议案,而且它受到两党的一致支持。The bill was the most ambitious to reach the Senate floor thus far, and enjoyed bipartisan support.

相比九龙半岛和新界,香港岛的氯胺酮使用者呈报数目较低。Compared to Kowloon and New Territories, Hong Kong Island gave a lower number of reported ketamine users.

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泰国自2004年以来没有呈报过任何新病例,而越南的有关病例大部分是在2005年发现的。Thailand has not reported a case since 2004, but the majority of Vietnam’s cases have been detected in 2005.

合作公司应将出资证明书的副本呈报审批机关以及工商局备案。The CJV shall submit a copy of the investment certificate to the Approval Authority and PAIC for the record.

呈报,包括三种检疫疾病,分别为霍乱、鼠疫和黄热病。Ry notifiable infectious diseases including three quarantinable diseases namely cholera plague and yellow fever.