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他偷偷摸摸地四处寻找钱。He moused about for money.

法国人是所谓,"偷偷摸摸的法国佬"The French are "The sneaky French."

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密密的偷偷摸摸的观察。The thief relieved him of his watch.

偷偷摸摸可能成为主流。A furtive activity could become mainstream.

我讨厌那只猫以及它那偷偷摸摸的样子。I am tired of that cat and its thievish ways.

它走上前来,无声无息偷偷摸摸地摸到了床头。On it came-on, silently and stealthily, to the bed's head.

那样我们就不必通过电邮来偷偷摸摸的谈话。Then we would not have to furtively bye-mail conversation.

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你们身上最基督的那部分对偷偷摸摸把人埋了这事是怎么看的?How does your Christ-portion feel about this sneaky burial thingy?

德国人想办法不让老婆瞅见就偷偷摸摸地溜到地里去了。The German managed to sneak off to the fields without his wife seeing.

就是你偷偷摸摸地去和她约会又怕妻子撞见的女人。Be you go secretively and she dates again afraid the wife run into of woman.

就是你偷偷摸摸地去和她约会又怕妻子撞见的女人。Is you covertly goes to and her appointment feared the wife bumps into woman.

如果我们在这里宿营,可能会有射手们偷偷摸摸地来探听我们的虚实的。If we lay here in camp, there might be archers skulking down to get wind of us.

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当你讲话很贱,即使是偷偷摸摸地,也会使大家以你为目标进行反击。When you’re being mean, even covertly, eventually everyone figures out the target.

我说你跟我老婆亲嘴!你有什么话说。——可别让我再看到你偷偷摸摸的探头探脑。I say you kiss my wife! What have you to say. – Don't let me catch you snooping again!

爱情像个小偷,来的时候偷偷摸摸,走的时候损失惨重。Love is like a thief, who is thievish when coming, but make you disastrous when leaving.

我的建议非常的前卫,因为汽车制造商一直在进行偷偷摸摸的设计工作。My suggestion was sacrilegious because automakers have long been secretive about design.

我打赌姚妈就可以把这些嚼着咖哩菜的偷偷摸摸跟踪别人的印度佬打得真魂出窍。I Bet yao's mom could knock the living daylights out of those curry munching indian stalkers.

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这位“本周之星”是我在伦敦桥火车站附近偶然遇到的,当时她正在偷偷摸摸地抽烟。I stumbled across my 'Look of the Week' having a sneaky cigarette outside London Bridge Station.

没有人愿意活在黑暗里,偷偷摸摸压抑自己的情感瑟缩着像罪恶的吸血鬼。No one wants to live in the dark, in a sneaky way to suppress their feelings or as evil vampire.

丁勇每次来心理咨询都是偷偷摸摸地来,偷偷摸摸地走。他很害怕别人被认识的人看到。Ding still tiptoes in and out of the consultant's office, for fear someone he knows will see him.